Source code for xamla_motion.data_types.collision_object

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from .pose import Pose
from ..xamla_motion_exceptions import ArgumentError
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import Iterable, TypeVar
import moveit_msgs.msg as moveit_msgs
import shape_msgs.msg as shape_msgs
import numpy as np

float_convertable = TypeVar('float_convertable', str, float, int)

class CollisionPrimitiveKind(Enum):
    plane = 0
    box = 1
    sphere = 2
    cylinder = 3
    cone = 4

[docs]class CollisionPrimitive(object): """ Class CollisionPrimitive At the moment following simple primitives are supported: plane, box, sphere, cylinder, cone Methods ------- from_shape_msg(msg, pose) Creates an Instance of CollisionPrimitive from moveit shape msg create_plane(a, b, c, d, pose) Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a plane create_box(cls, x, y, z, pose) Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a box create_unit_box(pose) Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents unit box create_sphere(radius, pose) Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a sphere create_unit_sphere(pose) Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents unit sphere create_cylinder(height, radius, pose) Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a cylinder create_cone(height, radius, pose) Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a cone to_shape_msg() Creates an instance of moveit/shape_msgs.Plane for a plane primitive or an instance of moveit/shape_msgs.SolidPrimitive for all other primitive """ expected_parameter_count = {CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane: 4, 3, CollisionPrimitiveKind.sphere: 1, CollisionPrimitiveKind.cylinder: 2, CollisionPrimitiveKind.cone: 2} def __init__(self, kind: CollisionPrimitiveKind, parameters: Iterable[float_convertable], pose: Pose): """ Initialization of CollisionPrimitive Representation of a plane, using the plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0 a := parameters[0] b := parameters[1] c := parameters[2] d := parameters[3] Representation of a box x := parameters[0] y := parameters[1] z := parameters[2] Representation of a sphere radius := parameters[0] Representation of a cylinder height := parameters[0] radius := parameters[1] Representation of a cone height := parameters[0] radius := parameters[1] Parameters ---------- kind : CollisionPrimitiveKind Specifices which kind of primitive the new instance should represent parameters : Iterable[float convertable] Parameters which describe the primitive pose : Pose pose describes the position and orientation of the mid point of the primitive Returns ------- CollisionPrimitive An Instance of collision primitive Raises ------ TypeError If kind is not of type CollisionPrimitiveKind If pose is not of type Pose If parameters is not of type iterable of float convertable ValuesError If for a specific primitive kind the wrong number of parameters are provided If kind is CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane and the normal vector is described only by zeros If kind is not CollisionPrimitveKind.plane and a parameter in parameters is smaller than zero Examples -------- Create a instance of a box collision primitive which is one meter in size in all three dimensions and the origin is the origin of the world coordinate system >>> import numpy as np >>> from xamla_motion.data_types import CollisionPrimitive, CollisionPrimitiveKind, Pose >>> origin = Pose.from_transformation_matrix(np.eye(4),'world') >>> CollisionPrimitive(,[1.0,1.0,1.0], origin) CollisionPrimitive pose = Pose: translation.x : 0.0 translation.y : 0.0 translation.z : 0.0 quaternion.w : 1.0 quaternion.x : 0.0 quaternion.y : 0.0 quaternion.z : 0.0 frame_id : world kind = parameters = [ 1. 1. 1.] """ if not isinstance(kind, CollisionPrimitiveKind): raise TypeError('kind is nof of expected type' ' CollisionPrimitiveKind') if not isinstance(pose, Pose): raise TypeError('pose is not of expected type Pose') if self.expected_parameter_count[kind] != len(parameters): raise ValueError('expected ' + str(self.expected_parameter_count[kind]) + ' parameters for primitive ' + str(kind) + ' but provide ' + str(len(parameters))) self.__parameters = np.fromiter(parameters, float) if kind is CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane: if np.allclose(self.__parameters[:3], 0.0): raise ValueError('invalid normal vector for plane primitive, parameters:' + ', '.join('{:0.2f}'.format(i) for i in self.__parameters)) else: if any(self.__parameters < 0.0): raise ValueError('parameters for collision primitive' + str(kind) + 'must not be negative, parameters: ' + ', '.join('{:0.2f}'.format(i) for i in self.__parameters)) self.__kind = kind self.__pose = pose
[docs] @classmethod def from_shape_msg(cls, msg, pose): """ Creates an Instance of CollisionPrimitive from moveit shape msg At the moment it can handle moveit plane and solid primitive Parameters ---------- msg : message type from moveit/shape_msgs Message from which a CollisionPrimitive should be created pose : Pose Pose instance which describes the midpoint pose of primitive """ if isinstance(msg, shape_msgs.Plane): cls(CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane, msg.coef, pose) elif isinstance(msg, shape_msgs.SolidPrimitive): cls(CollisionPrimitiveKind(msg.type), msg.dimensions, pose)
[docs] @classmethod def create_plane(cls, a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float, pose: Pose): """ Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a plane Representation of a plane, using the plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0 Parameters ---------- a: float convertable a parameter of plane equation b: float convertable b parameter of plane equation c: float convertable c parameter of plane equation d: float convertable d parameter of plane equation pose: Pose Pose of the midpoint of the plane Returns ------- CollisionPrimitve Primitive which represents a plane Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose If a parameter is not float convertable ValuesError If the normal vector is described only by zeros If kind is not CollisionPrimitveKind.plane and a parameter in parameters is smaller than zero """ return cls(CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane, [a, b, c, d], pose)
[docs] @classmethod def create_box(cls, x: float, y: float, z: float, pose: Pose): """ Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a box Representation of box aligned with pose xyz coordinates Parameters ---------- x: float convertable x coordinate of pose y: float convertable y coordinate of pose z: float convertable z coordinate of pose pose: Pose Pose of the midpoint of the box Returns ------- CollisionPrimitve Primitive which represents a box Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose If a parameter is not float convertable ValuesError If a parameter in is smaller than zero """ return cls(, [x, y, z], pose)
[docs] @classmethod def create_unit_box(cls, pose: Pose): """ Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents unit box Parameters ---------- pose: Pose Pose of the midpoint of the box Returns ------- CollisionPrimitve Primitive which represents a unit box Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose If a parameter is not float convertable ValuesError If a parameter in is smaller than zero """ return cls(, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], pose)
[docs] @classmethod def create_sphere(cls, radius: float, pose: Pose): """ Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a sphere Parameters ---------- radius: float convertable radius of the sphere pose: Pose Pose of the midpoint of the sphere Returns ------- CollisionPrimitve Primitive which represents a sphere Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose If a parameter is not float convertable ValuesError If a parameter in is smaller than zero """ return cls(CollisionPrimitiveKind.sphere, [radius], pose)
[docs] @classmethod def create_unit_sphere(cls, pose: Pose): """ Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents unit sphere Parameters ---------- pose: Pose Pose of the midpoint of the sphere Returns ------- CollisionPrimitve Primitive which represents a unit sphere Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose If a parameter is not float convertable ValuesError If a parameter in is smaller than zero """ return cls(CollisionPrimitiveKind.sphere, [1.0], pose)
[docs] @classmethod def create_cylinder(cls, height: float, radius: float, pose: Pose): """ Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a cylinder Parameters ---------- height : float convertable height of the cylinder radius : float convertable radius of the cylinder pose: Pose Pose of the midpoint of the cylinder Returns ------- CollisionPrimitve Primitive which represents a cylinder Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose If a parameter is not float convertable ValuesError If a parameter in is smaller than zero """ return cls(CollisionPrimitiveKind.cylinder, [height, radius], pose)
[docs] @classmethod def create_cone(cls, height: float, radius: float, pose: Pose): """ Creates an instance of CollisionPrimitive which represents a cone Parameters ---------- height : float convertable height of the cone radius : float convertable radius of the cone pose: Pose Pose of the midpoint of the cone Returns ------- CollisionPrimitve Primitive which represents a cone Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose If a parameter is not float convertable ValuesError If a parameter in is smaller than zero """ return cls(CollisionPrimitiveKind.cone, [height, radius], pose)
@property def kind(self): """ kind: CollisionPrimitiveKind kind of the collision primitive """ return self.__kind @property def parameters(self): """ parameters: numpy.array(dtype.floating) parameters which describe the primitive """ return self.__parameters @property def pose(self): """ pose: Pose Describes the position and orientation of the primitive for the primitive midpoint """ return self.__pose
[docs] def to_shape_msg(self): """ Creates an instance of moveit/shape_msgs.Plane for a plane primitive or an instance of moveit/shape_msgs.SolidPrimitive for all other primitive """ if self.__kind is CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane: msg = shape_msgs.Plane() msg.coef = list(self.__parameters) else: msg = shape_msgs.SolidPrimitive() msg.type = self.__kind.value msg.dimensions = list(self.__parameters) return msg
def __str__(self): s = '\n'.join([' '+k+' = ' + str(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()]) s = s.replace('_'+self.__class__.__name__+'__', '') return self.__class__.__name__+'\n'+s def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if id(other) == id(self): return True if other.kind != self.__kind: return False if not np.allclose(other.parameters, self.__parameters): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class CollisionObject(object): """ Class CollisionObject An Instance of this class represent a collision object. A collision object can be a simple primitive or a assembly of many primitives Methods ------- from_collision_object_msg(msg) Create a Pose from an instance of moveit_msgs/CollisionObject to_collision_object_msg(self, action): Creates a ROS collision object message from this instance """ def __init__(self, primitives: Iterable[CollisionPrimitive], frame_id: str='world'): """ Initialization of CollisionObject class Parameters ---------- primitives : Iterable[CollisionPrimitives] or None primitives which describe the collision object frame_id : str Frame / coordinate system in which the collision object is described Returns ------- CollisionObject Instance of CollisionObject Raises ------ TypeError If primitives are not of type iterable of CollisionPrimitives or None or if frame_id is not str convertable """ if primitives and any(not isinstance(p, CollisionPrimitive) for p in primitives): raise TypeError('primitives is not of type iterable of' ' CollisionPrimitives or empty') self.__frame_id = str(frame_id) self.__primitives = list(primitives)
[docs] @classmethod def from_collision_object_msg(cls, msg): """ Create a Pose from an instance of moveit_msgs/CollisionObject Parameters ---------- msg : ros message moveit_msgs/CollisionObject Message of moveit_msgs/CollisionObject Returns ------- CollisionObject New instance of collision object from msg Raises ------ TypeError If msg is not of type moveit_msgs/CollisionObject """ primitives = [] if not isinstance(msg, moveit_msgs.CollisionObject): raise TypeError('msg is not of type moveit_msgs/CollisionObject') for i, p in enumerate(msg.planes): primitives.append(CollisionPrimitive(CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane, p.coef, Pose.from_pose_msg(msg.plane_poses[i], msg.header.frame_id))) for i, p in enumerate(msg.primitives): primitives.append(CollisionPrimitive(CollisionPrimitiveKind(p.type), p.dimensions, Pose.from_pose_msg(msg.primitive_poses[i], msg.header.frame_id))) return cls(primitives, msg.header.frame_id)
@property def frame_id(self): """ frame_id : str (read only) Frame / coordinate system in which the collision object is described """ return self.__frame_id @property def primitives(self): """ primitives : List[CollisionPrimitives] or None (read only) primitives which describe the collision object """ return self.__primitives
[docs] def to_collision_object_msg(self, action): """ Creates a ROS collision object message from this instance Parameters ---------- action : moveit_msg/CollisionObject operation Defines which action/opertation should be performed (add, remove, append, move) Returns ------- moveit_msgs/CollisionObject """ msg = moveit_msgs.CollisionObject() msg.header.frame_id = self.__frame_id planes = [] plane_poses = [] primitives = [] primitive_poses = [] for p in self.__primitives: if p.kind is CollisionPrimitiveKind.plane: plane_poses.append(p.pose.to_pose_msg()) planes.append(p.to_shape_msg()) else: primitive_poses.append(p.pose.to_pose_msg()) primitives.append(p.to_shape_msg()) msg.planes = planes msg.plane_poses = plane_poses msg.primitives = primitives msg.primitive_poses = primitive_poses msg.meshes = [] msg.mesh_poses = [] msg.operation = action return msg
def __len__(self): return len(self.__primitives) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__primitives) def __str__(self): return str(self.__primitives) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if id(other) == id(self): return True if other.frame_id != self.__frame_id: return False for i, p in enumerate(other): if p != self.__primitives[i]: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)