Source code for xamla_motion.data_types.joint_path

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from .joint_set import JointSet
from .joint_values import JointValues

from typing import Iterable

[docs]class JointPath(object): """ JointPath class describes a path by a list of joint configurations Methods ------- from_one_point(point) Initialization of JointPath class with only one Point from_start_stop_point(start, stop) Initialization of JointPath class with start, stop point prepend(points) Creates new JointPath with points added in front of path points append(points) Creates new JointPath with points added behind the path points concat(other) Creates new JointPath with concatenated path points transform(transform_function) Creates a transformed version of JointPath """ def __init__(self, joints, points): """ Initialization of JointPath class Parameters ---------- joints : JointSet Set of joints points : Iterable[JointValues] Iterable of JointValues where each JointValues instance describes a point of the path Returns ------- JointPath Instance of JointPath Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If joints is not of type JointSet or if points is not of type list of JointValues """ if not isinstance(joints, JointSet): raise TypeError('joints is not of expected type JointSet') if (not isinstance(points, Iterable) or any(not isinstance(j, JointValues) for j in points)): raise TypeError('points is not of expected' ' type Iterable of JointValues') self.__joints = joints self.__points = tuple(self._align_values(j) for j in points) def _align_values(self, joint_values): if joint_values.joint_set == self.__joints: return joint_values if not joint_values.joint_set.is_similar(self.__joints): raise ValueError('Provided path points have joint values' ' of incompatible joint sets') return joint_values.reorder(self.__joints)
[docs] @classmethod def from_one_point(cls, point): """ Initialization of JointPath class with only one Point Parameters ---------- point : JointValues Single point to initialize JointPath Returns ------- JointPath Instance of JointPath Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If points is not of type JointValues """ if not isinstance(point, JointValues): raise TypeError('joint_values is not of expected' ' type JointValues') return cls(point.joint_set, [point])
[docs] @classmethod def from_start_stop_point(cls, start, stop): """ Initialization of JointPath class with start, stop point Parameters ---------- start : JointValues start point of the joint path stop : JointValues stop point of the joint path Returns ------- JointPath Instance of JointPath Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If start or stop is not of type JointValues """ if (not isinstance(start, JointValues) or not isinstance(stop, JointValues)): raise TypeError('start or/and stop are not of' 'expected type JointValues') return cls(start.joint_set, [start, stop])
@property def joint_set(self): """ joint_set : JointSet (readonly) JointSet which represent the joints for which JointPath describes a path """ return self.__joints @property def points(self): """ points : Deque[JointValues] (readonly) A deque of JointValues which represent the joint configurations which are describe the path """ return self.__points
[docs] def prepend(self, points): """ Creates new JointPath with points added in front of path points Parameters ---------- points : JointValues or Iterable[JointValues] Points which are added in front of path points Returns ------- JointPath Instance of JointPath with added points Raises ------ TypeError If points is not one of expected types JointValues or Iterable of JointValues """ if isinstance(points, JointValues): return self.__class__(self.__joints, (points,) + self.__points) if (not isinstance(points, Iterable) or any(not isinstance(j, JointValues) for j in points)): raise TypeError('points is not of expected' ' type JointValues or Iterable of JointValues') return self.__class__(self.__joints, (points) + self.__points)
[docs] def append(self, points): """ Creates new JointPath with points added behind the path points Parameters ---------- points : JointValues or Iterable[JointValues] Points which are added behind path points Returns ------- JointPath Instance of JointPath with added points Raises ------ TypeError If points is not one of expected types JointValues or Iterable of JointValues """ if isinstance(points, JointValues): return self.__class__(self.__joints, self.__points + (points,)) if (not isinstance(points, Iterable) or any(not isinstance(j, JointValues) for j in points)): raise TypeError('points is not of expected' ' type JointValues or Iterable of JointValues') return self.__class__(self.__joints, self.__points + (points))
[docs] def concat(self, other): """ Creates new JointPath with concatenated path points Parameters ---------- other : JointPath Raises ------ TypeError If other is not of type JointPath """ if not isinstance(other, JointPath): raise TypeError('other is not of expected type JointPath') return self.__class__(self.__joints, self.__points+other.points)
[docs] def transform(self, transform_function): """ Creates a transformed version of JointPath The transformation which is applied to every point in JointPath is defined by the transform function Parameters ---------- transform_function : callable or numpy.ufunc Function which is applied to every point value Returns ------ JointPath A new Instance of JointPath with transformed point values Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If transform function is not callable or not a numpy.ufunc and if the function dont has the signature input : floating , output : floating """ try: return self.__class__(self.__joints, [x.transform(transform_function) for x in self.__points]) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError('None valid transformation function') from exc
def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns value by joint name or index Parameters ---------- key : int or slice index of joint or slice for which the values are requested Returns ------- JointValues or List[JointValues] Returns a instance of JointValues or list of JointValues Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If key is not int or slice IndexError : If index is out of range """ if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): try: return self.__points[key] except IndexError: raise IndexError('index out of range') else: raise TypeError( 'key is not one of expected types int or slice ') def __len__(self): return len(self.__points) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__points) def __str__(self): return str(self.__points) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if id(other) == id(self): return True if other.joint_set != self.__joints: return False for i, point in enumerate(other): if point != self.__points[i]: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)