Source code for xamla_motion.data_types.plan_parameters

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from copy import deepcopy

from .joint_limits import JointLimits
from ..xamla_motion_exceptions import ArgumentError

import numpy as np

[docs]class PlanParameters(object): """ PlanParameter holds all constrains for joint space trajectory planning Methods ------- from_arguments(move_group_name, joint_set, max_velocity, max_acceleration, min_position, max_position, **kwargs) Creates instance of PlanParameters from limit numpy arrays """ def __init__(self, move_group_name, joint_limits, **kwargs): """ Initialization of PlanParameters class Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str convertable name of the move group for which the plan parameters are created joint_limits : JointLimits Defines the joint limits of the move group argv : dict The argv dict is used to set parameters which have default values this are sample_resolution (default = 0.008 / 125 hz), collision_check (default = True), max_deviation (default = 0.2) Returns ------ Instance of PlanParameters Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If joint_limits is not of expected type JointLimts Examples -------- >>> joints = ['Joint1','Joint2'] >>> joint_set = JointSet(joints) >>> max_v = np.array([1.0, 1.5]) >>> max_a = np.array([0.2, 0.4]) >>> min_p = np.array([10, None]) >>> max_p = np.array([None, None]) >>> joint_limits = JointLimits(joint_set, max_v, max_a, min_p, max_p) >>> p = PlanParameters('left_arm', joint_Limits, scale_velocity=0.5) """ # if you change defaults here please also edit documentation in # create_plan_parameters() try: self.__sample_resolution = float(kwargs.get("sample_resolution", 0.08)) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError('sample_resolution can not be converted to float') try: self.__collision_check = bool(kwargs.get("collision_check", True)) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError('collision_check can not be converted to bool') try: self.__max_deviation = float(kwargs.get("max_deviation", 0.2)) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError('max_deviation can not be converted to float') if isinstance(joint_limits, JointLimits): self.__joint_limits = joint_limits else: raise TypeError('joint_limits is not' ' of expected type JointLimits') if isinstance(move_group_name, str): self.__move_group_name = move_group_name else: raise TypeError('argument 1 (move_group_name) is not ' 'of expected type str')
[docs] @classmethod def from_arguments(cls, move_group_name, joint_set, max_velocity, max_acceleration, min_position, max_position, **kwargs): """ Initialization of PlanParameters class limit arrays Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str convertable name of the move group for which the plan parameters are created joint_set : JointSet Set of joints for which joint limits are required max_velocity : list of float or numpy.array(dtype=floating) One dimension array which defines the maximal velocity for each joint max_acceleration : list of float or numpy.array(dtype=floating) One dimension array which defines the maximal acceleration for each joint min_position : list of float or numpy.array(dtype=floating) One dimension array which defines the mininmal position for each joint max_position : list of float or numpy.array(dtype=floating) One dimension array which defines the maximal position for each joint kwargs : dict The argv dict is used to set parameters which have default values this are sample_resolution (default = 0.008), collision_check (default = True), max_deviation (default = 0.2) Returns ------ Instance of PlanParameters """ try: joint_limits = JointLimits(joint_set, max_velocity, max_acceleration, min_position, max_position) except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise ArgumentError('It was not possible to create' ' an instance of JointLimts due to' ' wrong parameter type or format') from exc return cls(move_group_name, joint_limits, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_builder(cls, builder): """ Initilization of PlanParameters from PlanParameters Builder Parameters ---------- builder Instance of PlanParameter Builder Returns ------ Instance of PlanParameters Raises ------ TypeError If builder is not of expected type PlanParameters Builder """ if not isinstance(builder, cls._Builder): raise TypeError('builder is not of expected type ' 'PlanParameters builder') return PlanParameters(builder.move_group_name, builder.joint_limits, sample_resolution=builder.sample_resolution, collision_check=builder.collision_check, max_deviation=builder.max_deviation)
class _Builder(object): def __init__(self, instance): self.__move_group_name = instance.move_group_name self.__joint_limits = instance.joint_limits self.__sample_resolution = instance.sample_resolution self.__max_deviation = instance.max_deviation self.__collision_check = instance.collision_check @property def move_group_name(self): return self.__move_group_name @property def joint_limits(self): return self.__joint_limits @property def sample_resolution(self): return self.__sample_resolution @sample_resolution.setter def sample_resolution(self, value): value = float(value) self.__sample_resolution = value @property def collision_check(self): return self.__collision_check @collision_check.setter def collision_check(self, value): value = bool(value) self.__collision_check = value @property def max_deviation(self): return self.__max_deviation @max_deviation.setter def max_deviation(self, value): value = float(value) self.__max_deviation = value def scale_velocity(self, value): value = float(value) if value > 1.0 or value < 0.0: raise ValueError('velocity_scaling is not' ' between 0.0 and 1.0') max_s_velocity = self.__joint_limits.max_velocity.copy() max_s_velocity *= value self.__joint_limits = JointLimits(self.__joint_limits.joint_set, max_s_velocity, self.__joint_limits.max_acceleration, self.__joint_limits.min_position, self.__joint_limits.max_position) def scale_acceleration(self, value): value = float(value) if value > 1.0 or value < 0.0: raise ValueError('acceleration_scaling is not' ' between 0.0 and 1.0') max_s_acceleration = self.__joint_limits.max_acceleration.copy() max_s_acceleration *= value self.__joint_limits = JointLimits(self.__joint_limits.joint_set, self.__joint_limits.max_velocity, max_s_acceleration, self.__joint_limits.min_position, self.__joint_limits.max_position) def build(self): return PlanParameters(self.__move_group_name, self.__joint_limits, sample_resolution=self.__sample_resolution, collision_check=self.__collision_check, max_deviation=self.__max_deviation) @property def move_group_name(self): """ move_group_name : str (read only) Name of the move group for which plan parameters are applied """ return self.__move_group_name @property def joint_limits(self): """ joint_limits: JointLimits(read only) define the joint constraints """ return self.__joint_limits @property def joint_set(self): """ joint_set : JointSet (read only) set of joints for which the limits are defined """ return self.__joint_limits.joint_set @property def max_velocity(self): """ max_velocity : numpy.array(dtype=floating) (read only) maximal velocities """ return self.__joint_limits.max_velocity @property def max_acceleration(self): """ max_acceleration : numpy.array(dtype=floating) (read only) maximal acceleration """ return self.__joint_limits.max_acceleration @property def min_position(self): """ min_position : numpy.array(dtype=floating) (read only) position limit minimum """ return self.__joint_limits.min_position @property def max_position(self): """ max_position : numpy.array(dtype=floating) (read only) position limit maximum """ return self.__joint_limits.max_position @property def sample_resolution(self): """ sample_resolution: float sampling resolution in Hz """ return self.__sample_resolution @property def collision_check(self): """ collision_check: bool defines if collision check should be performed """ return self.__collision_check @property def max_deviation(self): """ max_deviation: float defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space """ return self.__max_deviation
[docs] def with_collision_check(self, value): """ Create an instance of PlanParameters with collision check value Parameters ---------- value : bool New value of collision check Returns ------- PlanParameters Instance of PlanParameters with new collision check value Raises ------ TypeError If value is not of type bool """ if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('value is not of expected type bool') if self.__collision_check == value: return self else: builder = self._Builder(self) builder.collision_check = value return
[docs] def with_sample_resolution(self, value): """ Create an instance of PlanParameters with sample resolution value Parameters ---------- value : bool New value of sample resolution Returns ------- PlanParameters Instance of PlanParameters with new sample resolution value Raises ------ TypeError If value is not convertable to float """ value = float(value) if np.isclose(self.__sample_resolution, value): return self else: builder = self._Builder(self) builder.sample_resolution = value return
[docs] def with_max_deviation(self, value): """ Create an instance of PlanParameters with max deviation value Parameters ---------- value : bool New value of max deviation Returns ------- PlanParameters Instance of PlanParameters with new max deviation value Raises ------ TypeError If value is not convertable to float """ value = float(value) if np.isclose(self.__max_deviation, value): return self else: builder = self._Builder(self) builder.max_deviation = value return
[docs] def to_builder(self): """ Create an instance of PlanParameter Builder Returns ------- PlanParameter Builder Instance of PlanParameter Builder """ return self._Builder(self)
def __iter__(self): return self.__joint_limits.__iter__() def __str__(self): j_str = '\n'.join(['sampling_resolution = '+str(self.__sample_resolution), 'collision_check = '+str(self.__collision_check), 'max_devitation = '+str(self.__max_deviation)]) joint_limts_str = '\n' + self.__joint_limits.__str__() joint_limts_str = joint_limts_str.replace('\n', '\n ') return 'PlanParameters:\n' + j_str + joint_limts_str def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): r_tol = 1.0e-13 a_tol = 1.0e-14 if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if id(other) == id(self): return True if other.joint_limits != self.__joint_limits: return False if not np.isclose(self.__sample_resolution, other.sample_resolution, rtol=r_tol, atol=a_tol): return False if not np.isclose(self.__max_deviation, other.max_deviation, rtol=r_tol, atol=a_tol): return False if self.__collision_check != other.collision_check: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)