Source code for xamla_motion.world_view_client

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pathlib
from typing import Dict, List

from deprecated import deprecated
import moveit_msgs.msg as moveit_msgs
import rospy
from xamlamoveit_msgs.srv import (CreateFolderWorldView,
                                  GetPoseWorldView, GetPoseWorldViewRequest,
                                  SetPoseWorldView, SetPoseWorldViewRequest,

from .data_types import CartesianPath, CollisionObject, JointValues, Pose
from .xamla_motion_exceptions import ArgumentError, ServiceException

add_joint_values_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/add_joint_posture'
get_joint_values_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/get_joint_posture'
query_joint_values_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/query_joint_postures'
update_joint_values_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/update_joint_posture'

add_pose_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/add_pose'
get_pose_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/get_pose'
query_poses_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/query_poses'
update_pose_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/update_pose'

add_cartesian_path_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/set_cartesianpath'
get_cartesian_path_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/get_cartesianpath'
query_cartesian_paths_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/query_cartesianpath'
update_cartesian_path_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/update_cartesianpath'

add_collision_object_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/set_collisionobject'
get_collision_object_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/get_collisionobject'
query_collision_objects_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/query_collisionobject'
update_collision_object_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/update_collisionobject'

remove_element_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/remove_element'
add_folder_srv_name = '/rosvita/world_view/add_folder'

[docs]@deprecated('This version of WorldViewClient is deprecated please use ' 'instead the xamla_motion.v2 version of it') class WorldViewClient(object): """ Client to interact and manipulate the Rosvita WorldView With help of this client class it is possible to add, get, query and remove different kinds of elements to or from the Rosvita world view. Methods ------- add_joint_values Add / store joint values element in world view tree get_joint_values Get joint values element from world view tree query_joint_values Query all joint values under folder_path which start with prefix update_joint_values Update an already existing joint values element in world view tree add_pose Add / store pose element in world view tree get_pose Get pose element from world view tree query_poses Query all existing poses under folder_path which start with prefix update_pose Update an already existing pose element in world view tree add_cartesian_path Add / store cartesian path element in world view tree get_cartesian_path Get cartesian path element from world view tree query_cartesian_pahts Query all existing castesian paths under folder_path which start with prefix update_cartesian_path Update an already existing collision object element in world view tree add_collision_object Add / store collision object element in world view tree get_collision_object Get collision object element from world view tree query_cartesian_pahts Query all existing castesian paths under folder_path which start with prefix update_collision_object Update an already existing collision object element in world view tree """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize WorldViewClient Returns ------- Instance of WorldViewClient Raises ------ ServiceError If connection to world view services could not be established """ # initialize all service to handle joint values in world view self.__add_joint_values_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( add_joint_values_srv_name, SetJointPostureWorldView) self.__get_joint_values_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( get_joint_values_srv_name, GetJointPostureWorldView) self.__query_joint_values_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_joint_values_srv_name, QueryJointValuesWorldView) self.__update_joint_values_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( update_joint_values_srv_name, UpdateJointPostureWorldView) # initialize all service to handle poses in world view self.__add_pose_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( add_pose_srv_name, SetPoseWorldView) self.__get_pose_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( get_pose_srv_name, GetPoseWorldView) self.__query_poses_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_poses_srv_name, QueryPosesWorldView) self.__update_pose_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( update_pose_srv_name, UpdatePoseWorldView) # initialize all service to handle cartesian path in world view self.__add_cartesian_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( add_cartesian_path_srv_name, SetCartesianPathWorldView) self.__get_cartesian_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( get_cartesian_path_srv_name, GetCartesianPathWorldView) self.__query_cartesian_paths_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_cartesian_paths_srv_name, QueryCartesianPathWorldView) self.__update_cartesian_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( update_cartesian_path_srv_name, SetCartesianPathWorldView) # initialize all service to handle collision objects in world view self.__add_collision_object_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( add_collision_object_srv_name, SetCollisionObjectWorldView) self.__get_collision_object_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( get_collision_object_srv_name, GetCollisionObjectWorldView) self.__query_collision_objects_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_collision_objects_srv_name, QueryCollisionObjectWorldView) self.__update_collision_objects_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( update_collision_object_srv_name, SetCollisionObjectWorldView) # add folder service self.__add_folder_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( add_folder_srv_name, CreateFolderWorldView) # remove element service self.__remove_element_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( remove_element_srv_name, RemoveElementWorldView)
[docs] def add_joint_values(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, joint_values: JointValues, transient: bool=False): """ Add / store joint values element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the new added joint values element folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the new joint values element should be added / stored joint_values : JointValues Instance of joint values which is added / stored transient : bool If True the added joint values are only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to add joint values due to wrong path or element already exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(joint_values, JointValues): raise TypeError('joint_values is not of expected type JointValues') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = SetJointPostureWorldViewRequest() request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.point = joint_values.to_joint_values_point_msg() request.transient = transient try: response = self.__add_joint_values_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(add_joint_values_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(add_joint_values_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def get_joint_values(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str) -> JointValues: """ Get joint values element from world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the requested element folder_path : str Full path to folder where the requested element is located from world view tree root Returns ------- joint_values : JointValues Instance of JointValues with the values which are defined in the requested joint values element Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to get joint values due to wrong path or element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of ' 'expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') request = GetJointPostureWorldViewRequest() request.element_path = '/'.join([folder_path, element_name]) try: response = self.__get_joint_values_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(get_joint_values_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(get_joint_values_srv_name, response.error)) return JointValues.from_joint_values_point_msg(response.point)
[docs] def query_joint_values(self, folder_path: str, prefix: str='', recursive: bool=False) -> Dict[pathlib.PurePath, JointValues]: """ Query all existing joint values elements under folder_path which start with prefix Parameters ---------- folder_path : str Path to folder in which the search should be performed prefix : str (default empty string) Query elements which start with this prefix recursive : bool (default False) If True query from folder path recursively Returns ------- result : List[JointValues] List of JointValues in alphanumeric order see world view Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to query joint values due to not existing path """ if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError( 'folder_path is not of expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError('path is not of expected type str') if not isinstance(recursive, bool): raise TypeError('recursive is not of expected type bool') request = QueryJointValuesWorldViewRequest() request.prefix = prefix request.folder_path = folder_path request.recursive = recursive try: response = self.__query_joint_values_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(query_joint_values_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(query_joint_values_srv_name, response.error)) if response.points: result = {} for n, e, p in zip(response.names, response.element_paths, response.points): path = pathlib.PurePath(e) result[path] = JointValues.from_joint_values_point_msg(p) return result else: return {}
[docs] def update_joint_values(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, joint_values: JointValues, transient: bool=False): """ Update already existing joint values element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the element which should be updated folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the joint values element is located joint_values : JointValues Instance of joint values which contains the new values transient : bool If True the updated joint values are only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to update joint values due to element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(joint_values, JointValues): raise TypeError('joint_values is not of expected type JointValues') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = UpdateJointPostureWorldViewRequest() request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.point = joint_values.to_joint_values_point_msg() request.transient = transient try: response = self.__update_joint_values_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(update_joint_values_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(update_joint_values_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def add_pose(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, pose: Pose, transient: bool=False): """ Add / store pose element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the new added pose element folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the new pose element should be added / stored pose : Pose Instance of pose which is added / stored transient : bool If True the added pose is only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to add pose due to wrong path or element already exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(pose, Pose): raise TypeError('pose is not of expected type Pose') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = SetPoseWorldViewRequest() request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.point = pose.to_posestamped_msg() request.transient = transient try: response = self.__add_pose_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(add_pose_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(add_pose_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def get_pose(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str) -> Pose: """ Get pose element from world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the requested element folder_path : str Full path to folder where the requested element is located from world view tree root Returns ------- pose : Pose Instance of Pose with the values which are defined in the requested pose element Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to get pose due to wrong path or element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of ' 'expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') request = GetPoseWorldViewRequest() request.element_path = '/'.join([folder_path, element_name]) try: response = self.__get_pose_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(get_pose_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(get_pose_srv_name, response.error)) return Pose.from_posestamped_msg(response.point)
[docs] def query_poses(self, folder_path: str, prefix: str='', recursive: bool=False) -> List[Pose]: """ Query all existing pose elements under folder_path which start with prefix Parameters ---------- folder_path : str Path to folder in which the search should be performed prefix : str (default empty string) Query elements which start with this prefix recursive : bool (default False) If True query from folder path recursively Returns ------- result : List[Pose] List of Pose in alphanumeric order see world view Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to query pose due to not existing path """ if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError( 'folder_path is not of expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError('path is not of expected type str') if not isinstance(recursive, bool): raise TypeError('recursive is not of expected type bool') request = QueryPosesWorldViewRequest() request.prefix = prefix request.folder_path = folder_path request.recursive = recursive try: response = self.__query_poses_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(query_poses_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(query_poses_srv_name, response.error)) if response.points: result = {} for n, e, p in zip(response.names, response.element_paths, response.points): path = pathlib.PurePath(e) result[path] = Pose.from_posestamped_msg(p) return result else: return {}
[docs] def update_pose(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, pose: Pose, transient: bool=False): """ Update already existing pose element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the element which should be updated folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the pose element is located pose : Pose Instance of pose which contains the new values transient : bool If True the updated pose is only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to update pose due to element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(pose, Pose): raise TypeError('pose is not of expected type Pose') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = UpdatePoseWorldViewRequest() request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.point = pose.to_posestamped_msg() request.transient = transient try: response = self.__update_pose_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(update_pose_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(update_pose_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def add_cartesian_path(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, cartesian_path: CartesianPath, transient: bool=False): """ Add / store cartesian path element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the new added cartesian path element folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the new cartesian path element should be added / stored cartesian_path : CartesianPath Instance of cartesian path which is added / stored transient : bool If True the added cartesian path is only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to add cartesian path due to wrong path or element already exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(cartesian_path, CartesianPath): raise TypeError( 'cartesian path is not of expected type CartesianPath') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = SetCartesianPathWorldViewRequest() request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.path = cartesian_path.to_cartesian_path_msg() request.transient = transient try: response = self.__add_cartesian_path_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(add_cartesian_path_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(add_cartesian_path_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def get_cartesian_path(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str) -> CartesianPath: """ Get cartesian path element from world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the requested element folder_path : str Full path to folder where the requested element is located from world view tree root Returns ------- cartesian_path : CartesianPath Instance of CartesianPath with the values which are defined in the requested cartesian path element Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to get cartesian path due to wrong path or element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of ' 'expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') request = GetCartesianPathWorldViewRequest() request.element_path = '/'.join([folder_path, element_name]) try: response = self.__get_cartesian_path_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(get_cartesian_path_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(get_cartesian_path_srv_name, response.error)) return CartesianPath.from_cartesian_path_msg(response.path)
[docs] def query_cartesian_paths(self, folder_path: str, prefix: str='', recursive: bool=False) -> List[CartesianPath]: """ Query all existing cartesian path elements under folder_path which start with prefix Parameters ---------- folder_path : str Path to folder in which the search should be performed prefix : str (default empty string) Query elements which start with this prefix recursive : bool (default False) If True query from folder path recursively Returns ------- result : List[CartesianPath] List of CartesianPath in alphanumeric order see world view Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to query cartesian path due to not existing path """ if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError( 'folder_path is not of expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError('path is not of expected type str') if not isinstance(recursive, bool): raise TypeError('recursive is not of expected type bool') request = QueryCartesianPathWorldViewRequest() request.prefix = prefix request.folder_path = folder_path request.recursive = recursive try: response = self.__query_cartesian_paths_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(query_cartesian_paths_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(query_cartesian_paths_srv_name, response.error)) if response.paths: result = {} for n, e, p in zip(response.names, response.element_paths, response.paths): path = pathlib.PurePath(e) result[path] = CartesianPath.from_cartesian_path_msg(p) return result else: return {}
[docs] def update_cartesian_path(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, cartesian_path: CartesianPath, transient: bool=False): """ Update already existing cartesian path element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the element which should be updated folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the cartesian path element is located cartesian_path : CartesianPath Instance of cartesian path which contains the new values transient : bool If True the updated cartesian path is only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to update cartesian path due to element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(cartesian_path, CartesianPath): raise TypeError( 'cartesian path is not of expected type CartesianPath') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = SetCartesianPathWorldViewRequest() request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.path = cartesian_path.to_cartesian_path_msg() request.transient = transient try: response = self.__update_cartesian_path_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(update_cartesian_path_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(update_cartesian_path_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def add_collision_object(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, collision_object: CollisionObject, transient: bool=False): """ Add / store collision object element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the new added collision object element folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the new collision object element should be added / stored collision_object : CollisionObject Instance of collision object which is added / stored transient : bool If True the added collision object is only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to add collision object due to wrong path or element already exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(collision_object, CollisionObject): raise TypeError( 'collision object is not of expected type CollisionObject') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = SetCollisionObjectWorldViewRequest() request.collision_object = collision_object.to_collision_object_msg( moveit_msgs.CollisionObject.ADD) request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.transient = transient try: response = self.__add_collision_object_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(add_collision_object_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(add_collision_object_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def get_collision_object(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str) -> CollisionObject: """ Get collision object element from world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the requested element folder_path : str Full path to folder where the requested element is located from world view tree root Returns ------- collision_object : CollisionObject Instance of CollisionObject with the values which are defined in the requested collision object element Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to get collision object due to wrong path or element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of ' 'expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') request = GetCollisionObjectWorldViewRequest() request.element_path = '/'.join([folder_path, element_name]) try: response = self.__get_collision_object_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(get_collision_object_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(get_collision_object_srv_name, response.error)) return CollisionObject.from_collision_object_msg(response.collision_object)
[docs] def query_collision_objects(self, folder_path: str, prefix: str='', recursive: bool=False) -> List[CollisionObject]: """ Query all existing collision objet elements under folder_path which start with prefix Parameters ---------- folder_path : str Path to folder in which the search should be performed prefix : str (default empty string) Query elements which start with this prefix recursive : bool (default False) If True query from folder path recursively Returns ------- result : List[CollisionObject] List of CollisionObject in alphanumeric order see world view Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to query collision object due to not existing path """ if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError( 'folder_path is not of expected type str or is empty') if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError('path is not of expected type str') if not isinstance(recursive, bool): raise TypeError('recursive is not of expected type bool') request = QueryCollisionObjectWorldViewRequest() request.prefix = prefix request.folder_path = folder_path request.recursive = recursive try: response = self.__query_collision_objects_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(query_collision_objects_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(query_collision_objects_srv_name, response.error)) if response.collision_objects: result = {} for n, e, p in zip(response.names, response.element_paths, response.collision_objects): path = pathlib.PurePath(e) result[path] = CollisionObject.from_collision_object_msg(p) return result else: return {}
[docs] def update_collision_object(self, element_name: str, folder_path: str, collision_object: CollisionObject, transient: bool=False): """ Update already existing collision object element in world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the element which should be updated folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the collision object element is located collision_object : CollisionObject Instance of collision object which contains the new values transient : bool If True the updated collision object is only valid for this session and will not be saved in a rosvita project context Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to update collision object due to element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(collision_object, CollisionObject): raise TypeError( 'collision object is not of expected type CollisionObject') if not isinstance(transient, bool): raise TypeError('transient is not of expected type bool') request = SetCollisionObjectWorldViewRequest() request.display_name = element_name request.element_path = folder_path request.collision_object = collision_object.to_collision_object_msg( moveit_msgs.CollisionObject.ADD) request.transient = transient try: response = self.__update_collision_objects_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(update_collision_object_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(update_collision_object_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def add_folder(self, folder_name, folder_path): """ Add a folder to world view tree Parameters ---------- folder_name : str Name of the folder which should be added folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the folder should be added Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to add folder input path not exists """ if not isinstance(folder_name, str) or not folder_name: raise TypeError('folder_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') request = CreateFolderWorldViewRequest() request.folder_name = folder_name request.folder_path = folder_path try: response = self.__add_folder_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(add_folder_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(add_folder_srv_name, response.error))
[docs] def remove_element(self, element_name, folder_path): """ Remove existing elements from world view tree Parameters ---------- element_name : str Name of the element which should be removed folder_path : str Path in world view tree where the element is located Raises ------ ServiceError If necessary service is not available ArgumentError If it was not possible to update collision object due to element not exists """ if not isinstance(element_name, str) or not element_name: raise TypeError('element_name is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') if not isinstance(folder_path, str): raise TypeError('folder_path is not of expected' ' type str or is empty') request = RemoveElementWorldViewRequest() request.element_path = '/'.join([folder_path, element_name]) try: response = self.__remove_element_srv(request) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service: {} is not available' ''.format(remove_element_srv_name) ) from exc if not response.success: raise ArgumentError('service call of service: {}' ' was not successful,response with' ' error: {}'.format(remove_element_srv_name, response.error))