.. role:: hidden :class: hidden-section Motion client ========================= .. important:: The version 1.0 of MotionClient is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the new :doc:`MotionClient version 2.0 ` .. automodule:: xamla_motion .. currentmodule:: xamla_motion Overview ------------------------------------------ The main classes to plan and execute trajectories with xamla_motion are :class:`xamla_motion.MoveGroup` and :class:`xamla_motion.EndEffector`. The difference between both classes is the space in which they operate. The :class:`xamla_motion.MoveGroup` class plans and executes trajectories where the input is defined in joint space. Whereas the :class:`xamla_motion.EndEffector` class plans and executes trajectories where the input is defined in cartesian/task space. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/example_motion_client.py :lines: 21- MoveGroup ------------------------------------------ .. autoclass:: MoveGroup :members: EndEffector ------------------------------------------ .. autoclass:: EndEffector :members: