Class AsyncSpinner

Wrapper for the ros::AsyncSpinner class.

This spinner spins asynchronously when you call start(), and stops when either you call stop(), ros::shutdown() is called, or its destructor is called AsyncSpinner is reference counted internally, so if you copy one it will continue spinning until all copies have destructed (or stop() has been called on one of them)


AsyncSpinner:__init ([thread_count=0]) Constructor


AsyncSpinner:canStart () Check if the spinner can be started.
AsyncSpinner:start () Start this spinner spinning asynchronously.
AsyncSpinner:stop () Stop this spinner from running.


AsyncSpinner:__init ([thread_count=0])


  • thread_count int The number of threads to use. A value of 0 means to use the number of processor cores. (default 0)


AsyncSpinner:canStart ()
Check if the spinner can be started. A spinner can't be started if another spinner is already running.


    bool true if the spinner could be started, false otherwise
AsyncSpinner:start ()
Start this spinner spinning asynchronously.
AsyncSpinner:stop ()
Stop this spinner from running.
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2016-06-18 21:52:32