Source code for xamla_motion.data_types.joint_trajectory_point

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Iterable
import numpy as np
import rospy

from .joint_set import JointSet
from .joint_values import JointValues
import trajectory_msgs.msg

[docs]class JointTrajectoryPoint(object): """ Class JointTrajectoryPoint Methods ------- from_joint_trajectory_point_msg(joint_set, msg) Creates an instance of JointTrajectoryPoint from ros message add_time_offset(offset) Creates a new instance of this JointTrajectoryPoint with same position, vel, acc, eff but with a modified time_from_start merge(others) Creates a new instance of JointTrajectory as a result of the merge operation to_joint_trajectory_point_msg() Converts JointTrajectoryPoint to JointTrajectoryPoint ros message """ def __init__(self, time_from_start, positions, velocities=None, accelertations=None, efforts=None): """ Initialize JointTrajectoryPoint class Parameters ---------- time_from_start : datatime.timedelta duration between start of trajectory and this point positions : JointValues joint positions velocities : JointValues or None joint velocities accelerations : JointValues joint accelerations efforts : JointValues joint force for a prismatic joint or torque for a rotational joint Returns ------- JointTrajectoryPoint Instance of JointTrajectoryPoint Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If time_from_start is not of expected type datatime.timedelta or if positions is not of expected type JointValues or if velocities, accelerations or efforts ist not one of the expected types None or JointValues ValueError If the joint set of positions and if not None velocities, accelerations and efforts is not equal """ if not isinstance(time_from_start, timedelta): raise TypeError('time_from_start is not of' ' expected type timedelta') self.__time_from_start = time_from_start self.__positions = self._init_check(positions, 'positions', False) self.__velocities = self._init_check(velocities, 'velocities') self.__accelerations = self._init_check(accelertations, 'accelerations') self.__efforts = self._init_check(efforts, 'efforts') def _init_check(self, joint_values, name, check=True): if not joint_values: return None if not isinstance(joint_values, JointValues): raise TypeError(name+' is not of expected type JointValues') if check == True: if joint_values.joint_set != self.joint_set: raise ValueError('joint names or order do not match.') return joint_values
[docs] @classmethod def from_joint_trajectory_point_msg(cls, joint_set, msg): """ Creates an instance of JointTrajectoryPoint from ros message Creates an instance of JointTrajectoryPoint from the ros message trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint Parameters ---------- joint_set : JointSet Set of joints for which the trajectroy point is defined msg : trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint Instance of ros message that should be converted to JointTrajectoryPoint Returns ------- JointTrajectoryPoint New instance of JointTrajectoryPoint with the values of the ros message Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If values from msg are not convertable to numpy array of type floating or if joint_set is not of expected type JointSet """ if not isinstance(joint_set, JointSet): raise TypeError('joint_set is not of expected type JointSet') j_positions = JointValues(joint_set, msg.positions) j_velocity = cls._init_from_msg_helper(joint_set, msg.velocities) j_accelerations = cls._init_from_msg_helper(joint_set, msg.accelerations) j_effort = cls._init_from_msg_helper(joint_set, msg.effort) days = msg.time_from_start.secs // (24*3600) seconds = msg.time_from_start.secs % (24*3600) microseconds = msg.time_from_start.nsecs // 1000 time_from_start = timedelta(days=days, seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds) return cls(time_from_start, j_positions, j_velocity, j_accelerations, j_effort)
@staticmethod def _init_from_msg_helper(joint_set, values): if values: return JointValues(joint_set, values) else: return None @property def joint_set(self): """ joint_set : JointSet Set of joints for which the trajectory point contains values """ return self.__positions.joint_set @property def time_from_start(self): """ time_from_start : datetime.timedelta (readonly) Time span between trajectory start and this trajectory point as a instance of datetime.timedelta """ return self.__time_from_start @property def positions(self): """ positions : JointValues (readonly) Joint positions of this trajectory point """ return self.__positions @property def velocities(self): """ velocities : JointValues (readonly) If defined available joint velocites of this trajectory point else None """ return self.__velocities @property def accelerations(self): """ accelerations : JointValues (readonly) If defined available joint accelerations of this trajectory point else None """ return self.__accelerations @property def efforts(self): """ efforts : JointValues (readonly) If defined available joint efforts of this trajectory point else None """ return self.__efforts
[docs] def add_time_offset(self, offset): """ Creates a new instance of JointTrajectoryPoint with applied time offset adds a time offset to time_from_start Parameters ---------- offset : datatime.timedelta time offset as datatime timedelta Returns ------- Instance of JointTrajectoryPoint with modified time_from_start Raises ------ TypeError If offset ist not of expected type datatime.timedelta """ if not isinstance(offset, timedelta): raise TypeError('offset is not of expected' ' type datatime.timedelta') time_from_start = self.__time_from_start + offset return self.__class__(time_from_start, self.__positions, self.__velocities, self.__accelerations, self.__efforts)
[docs] def with_time_from_start(self, time: timedelta): """ Set time from start Parameters ---------- time : timedelta time form start to set Returns ------- JointTrajectoryPoint """ return type(self)(time, self.__positions, self.__velocities, self.__accelerations, self.__efforts)
[docs] def merge(self, others): """ Creates a new instance of JointTrajectoryPoint as a result of the merge operation Parameters ---------- others: JointTrajectoryPoint or Iterable[JointTrajectoryPoint] TrajectoryPoints to merge with the current TrajectoryPoint Returns ------- JointTrajectoryPoint: New instance of JointTrajectoryPoint which contains the merged JointTrajectoryPoints Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If other not one of excpeted types JointTrajectoryPoint or Iterable[JointTrajectoryPoint] ValueError If time_from_start in self and others dont match If JointSets of self and others are not mergeable If self and others define more or less properties of JointTrajectoryPoint """ def check_values(a, b, name): if not a: if b: raise ValueError('merge conflict, ' + name + ' are defined' ' in others but not in self') return False else: if not b: raise ValueError('merge conflict, ' + name + ' are defined' 'in self but not in others') return True velocites = None accelerations = None efforts = None if isinstance(others, JointTrajectoryPoint): if self.__time_from_start != others.time_from_start: raise ValueError('merge conflict, time_from_start in others' ' is not equal to self time_from_start') positions = self.__positions.merge(others.positions) if check_values(self.__velocities, others.velocities, 'velocities'): velocites = self.__velocities.merge(others.velocities) if check_values(self.__accelerations, others.accelerations, 'accelerations'): velocites = self.__accelerations.merge(others.accelerations) if check_values(self.__efforts, others.efforts, 'efforts'): velocites = self.efforts.merge(others.efforts) elif (isinstance(others, Iterable) and all(isinstance(v, JointTrajectoryPoint) for v in others)): time_not_equal = list(map(lambda x: x.time_from_start != self.__time_from_start, others)) if any(time_not_equal): raise ValueError('time_from_start of others: {} is not' ' equal to self ' 'time_from_start'.format(time_not_equal)) positions = self.__positions.merge( list(map(lambda x: x.positions, others))) check_velocities = list(map(lambda x: check_values( self.__velocities, x.velocities, 'velocities'), others)) if all(check_velocities): velocites = self.__velocities.merge( list(map(lambda x: x.velocities, others))) check_accelerations = list(map(lambda x: check_values( self.__accelerations, x.accelerations, 'accelerations'), others)) if all(check_accelerations): accelerations = self.__accelerations.merge( list(map(lambda x: x.accelerations, others))) check_efforts = list(map(lambda x: check_values( self.__efforts, x.efforts, 'efforts'), others)) if all(check_efforts): efforts = self.__efforts.merge( list(map(lambda x: x.efforts, others))) else: raise TypeError('others is not one of expected types ' 'JointTrajectoryPoint or ' 'Iterable[JointTrajectoryPoint]') return self.__class__(self.__time_from_start, positions, velocites, accelerations, efforts)
[docs] def interpolate_cubic(self, other: 'JointTrajectoryPoint', time: timedelta): """ Interpolate cubic between self and other trajectory point Parameters ---------- other: JointTrajectoryPoint Second trajectory point for interpolation time: timedelta time for which interpolation is performed Returns ------- JointTrajectoryPoint Raises ------ ValueError If time from start of point is smaller than time from start of self If joint sets of point and self are not equal """ if self.joint_set != other.joint_set: raise ValueError('joint set of self: {} and other: {}' ' are not equal'.format(self.joint_set, other.joint_set)) t0 = self.time_from_start t1 = other.time_from_start if t1 <= t0: raise ValueError('interpolation error: other time from start {} is' ' smaller than self time from start {}'.format(t1, t0)) delta_t = t1 - t0 if delta_t.total_seconds() < 1e-6: return type(self)(t0+delta_t, other.positions, other.velocities, other.accelerations, other.efforts) t = max((time - t0).total_seconds(), 0.0) t = min(delta_t.total_seconds(), t) if self.velocities is None or other.velocities is None: raise ValueError dt = delta_t.total_seconds() pos = np.zeros(len(self.positions), dtype=float) vel = np.zeros(len(self.velocities), dtype=float) zipped = zip(self.positions, other.positions, self.velocities, other.velocities) for i, (p0, p1, v0, v1) in enumerate(zipped): c = (-3.0*p0 + 3.0*p1 - 2.0*dt*v0 - dt*v1) / dt**2.0 d = (2.0*p0 - 2.0*p1 + dt*v0 + dt*v1) / dt**3.0 pos[i] = p0 + v0*t + c*t**2.0 + d*t**3.0 vel[i] = v0 + 2.0*c*t + 3.0*d*t**2.0 return type(self)(time, JointValues(self.joint_set, pos), JointValues(self.joint_set, vel))
[docs] def to_joint_trajectory_point_msg(self): """ Converts JointTrajectoryPoint to JointTrajectoryPoint ros message trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint.msg Returns ------- JointTrajectoryPoint msg New instance of JointTrajectoryPoint with the values of the ros message """ msg = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() msg.positions = list(self.__positions.values) if self.__velocities: msg.velocities = list(self.__velocities.values) if self.__accelerations: msg.accelerations = list(self.__accelerations.values) if self.__efforts: msg.effort = list(self.__efforts.values) secs = (self.__time_from_start.days * 24*3600 + self.__time_from_start.seconds) nsecs = self.__time_from_start.microseconds * 1000 msg.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(secs, nsecs) return msg
def __str__(self): s = '\n'.join([' '+k+' = ' + str(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()]) s = s.replace('_'+self.__class__.__name__+'__', '') return self.__class__.__name__+'\n'+s def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if id(other) == id(self): return True if other.time_from_start != self.__time_from_start: return False if other.positions != self.__positions: return False if other.velocites != self.__velocities: return False if other.accelerations != self.__accelerations: return False if other.efforts != self.__efforts: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)