Source code for xamla_motion.data_types.joint_values

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from functools import total_ordering
from typing import Iterable

import numpy as np

from .joint_set import JointSet
from xamlamoveit_msgs.msg import JointPathPoint, JointValuesPoint

[docs]class JointValues(object): """ Manages a set of joints and the respective joint values Methods ------- empty() Creates empty instance of JointValues zero(joint_set) Creates instance of JointValues with all values 0.0 try_get_value(name) Tries to get joint value by joint name reorder(new_order) Creates reordered instance of JointValues by the order of new_order transform(transform_function) Creates a transformed version of JointValues select(names) Creates a JointValue instance which only contains selected joints set_values(joint_set, values) Create a new instance of JointValues with modified values merge(others) Merge JointValues instance with others JointValues from_joint_path_point_msg(joint_set, msg) Creates an instance of JointValues from a JointPathPoint ros message to_joint_path_point_msg() Transform to xamlamoveit_msgs JointPathMessage """ def __init__(self, joint_set, values): """ Initialization of the JointValues class Parameters ---------- joint_set : JoinSet JointSet for which also the values should be managed values : iterable[float castable] The JointValue class can be initialized in different ways -JointSet + only on float convertable value then all joint values are set to the same float value -JointSet + an iterable type with the same number of items as number of joints in joint set. (mapping one to one) Returns ------ JointValues An instance of class JointValues Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If joint_set is not of type JointSet or type in values is not float castable ValueError : not same size If values is list of floats and not contains the same number of items as joint_set or numpy array that has not the correct size """ self.__values = np.array([]) if not isinstance(joint_set, JointSet): raise TypeError('joint_set is not expected type JointSet') self.__joint_set = joint_set try: try: if len(values) <= 1: raise ValueError('max one value is provided') except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: if isinstance(exc, TypeError): values = [values] * len(self.__joint_set) else: values = values * len(self.__joint_set) if len(values) != len(joint_set): raise ValueError('joint set holds ' + str(len(self.__joint_set)) + ' joints but only ' + str(len(values)) + ' values are provided') self.__values = np.fromiter(values, float) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: raise exc self.__values.flags.writeable = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_joint_path_point_msg(cls, joint_set, msg): """ Creates an instance of JointValues from a JointPathPoint ros message Parameters ---------- joint_set : JointSet Joint set to assign joint with values msg : JointPathPoint ros message Message which should be transformed to JointValues Returns ------- JointValues New instance of JointValues Raises ------ TypeError If joint_set is not of type JointSet """ if not isinstance(joint_set, JointSet): raise TypeError('joint_set is not of expected type JointSet') return cls(joint_set, msg.positions)
[docs] @classmethod def from_joint_values_point_msg(cls, msg): """ Creates an instance of JointValues from JointValuesPoint message Parameters ---------- msg : xamlamoveit_msgs JointValuesPoint message Message which should be transformed to JointValues Returns ------- JointValues New instance of JointValues Raises ------ AttributeError If msg not provide needed properties and methods """ return cls(JointSet(msg.joint_names), msg.positions)
[docs] @staticmethod def empty(): """ Creates a empty JointValues instance Returns ------ joint_values : JointValues An empty instance of JointValues """ joint_values = JointValues(JointSet.empty(), 0.0) joint_values.__values = np.array([]) return joint_values
[docs] @staticmethod def zero(joint_set): """ Creates instance of JointValues with all values 0.0 Parameters ---------- joint_set: JointSet which should be managed by JointValues Returns ------ JointValues An JointValue instance with values initialized with 0.0 Raises ------ TypeError: type mismatch If input parameter join_set is not of type JointSet """ if not isinstance(joint_set, JointSet): raise TypeError('joint_set is not expected type JointSet') joint_values = JointValues(joint_set, 0.0) return joint_values
@property def joint_set(self): """ joint_set : JointSet (readonly) A instance of JointSet managing joint names """ return self.__joint_set @property def values(self): """ valules : numpy.ndarray(dtype=float64) (readonly) One dimensional numpy array holding the respective joint values """ return self.__values
[docs] def try_get_value(self, joint_name): """ Tries to get joint value by joint name Parameters ---------- joint_name : str joint name for which it tries to get joint value Returns ------- is_found : bool If joint name exists and therefore values is found True else False value : float Joint value if joint name existes else None """ if not isinstance(joint_name, str): raise TypeError('joint_name expected type is str') is_found, index = self.__joint_set.try_get_index_of(joint_name) if not is_found: return False, None else: return True, self.__values[index]
[docs] def reorder(self, new_order): """ Creates reordered instance of JointValue by the order of new_order Parameters ---------- new_order : JointSet JointSet which defines the new order Returns ------ JointValues A new Instance of JointValues containing the joints in the order definied by new_order (it is ok when new_order only holds a subset of joints) Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If input parameter new_order is not of type JointSet ValueError : If joint name from new_order not exists """ if not isinstance(new_order, JointSet): raise TypeError('new_order is not of excpeted type JointSet') try: values = [self.__getitem__(joint_name) for joint_name in new_order] except ValueError: raise ValueError('A joint name from new_oder' ' not exist in this instance of JointValues') return self.__class__(new_order, values)
[docs] def transform(self, transform_function): """ Creates a transformed version of JointValues The transformation which is applied to every value in JointValues is defined by the transform function Parameters ---------- transform_function : callable or numpy.ufunc Function which is applied to every value in join values Returns ------ JointValues A new Instance of JointValues with transformed joint values Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If transform function is not callable or not a numpy.ufunc and if the function dont has the signature input : floating , output : floating """ if not (callable(transform_function) or isinstance(transform_function, np.ufunc)): raise TypeError('transform_function is not callable' ' or no numpy ufunc') try: if isinstance(transform_function, np.ufunc): values = transform_function(self.__values) if values.shape[0] != self.__values.shape[0]: raise TypeError('function is not a one to on ' ' mapping function') else: values = np.fromiter(map(transform_function, self.__values), self.__values.dtype) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError('wrong transform function format') from exc return self.__class__(self.__joint_set, values)
[docs] def select(self, names): """ Creates a JointValue instance which only contains selected joints Parameters ---------- names : str or list of str or JointSet Joint names which should be in the new JointValues instance Returns ------ JointValues New instance of JointValues with selected joints Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If names is not of type str or list of str ValueError : If name not exist in joint names """ try: if isinstance(names, JointSet): return self.reorder(names) elif isinstance(names, str): values = self.__values[self.__joint_set.get_index_of(names)] elif names and all(isinstance(s, str) for s in names): values = np.zeros(len(names), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(names): values[i] = self.__values[self.__joint_set.get_index_of( name)] else: raise TypeError('names is not one of the expected types' ' str or list of strs') return self.__class__(JointSet(names), values) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError('name ' + name + ' not exist in joint names') from exc
[docs] def set_values(self, joint_set, values): """ Create a new instance of JointValues with modified values Parameters ---------- joint_set : str, Iterable[str], JointSet joint_set defined by single string List of strings or JointSet values : float, Iterable[float], np.ndarray Returns ------- JointValues New instance of JointValues with modified values Raises ------ TypeError If joint_set is not str, Iterable[str] or JointSet If values is not iterable ValueError If joint_set and values unequal length If joint defined in joint set not exist in the JointSet of this JointValues instance """ if not isinstance(values, Iterable): values = [values] values = np.fromiter(values, float) if not isinstance(joint_set, JointSet): try: joint_set = JointSet(joint_set) except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise TypeError('joint_set is not one of expected types ' 'str, Iterable[str] or JointSet') from exc if len(joint_set) != len(values): raise ValueError('The number of provided joints and' ' values is not equal') m_values = self.__values.copy() for i, joint in enumerate(joint_set): idx = self.__joint_set.get_index_of(joint) m_values[idx] = values[i] return JointValues(self.__joint_set, m_values)
[docs] def merge(self, others): """ Merge JointValues instance with others JointValues Parameters ---------- others: JointValues or Iterable[JointValues] JointValues which are merge with current instance Returns ------- JointValues New instance of JointValues with contains Values for all Joints defined in this and others JointValues instances Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If others is not one of expected types JointValues or Iterable[JointValues] ValueError : merge conflict If values for some joints are defined in multiple instances of JointValues which should be merged """ names_set = set(self.joint_set.names) def check_compatability(joint_set): nonlocal names_set conflicts = names_set.intersection(joint_set.names) if conflicts: raise ValueError('merge conflict, values for' ' joints: {} are defined in multiple' ' instances of JointValues which should' ' be merged'.format(conflicts)) else: names_set = names_set.union(joint_set.names) if isinstance(others, JointValues): check_compatability(others.joint_set) joint_set = self.__joint_set.union(others.joint_set) values = np.append(self.__values, others.values) return self.__class__(joint_set, values) elif (isinstance(others, Iterable) and all(isinstance(v, JointValues) for v in others)): for other in others: check_compatability(other.joint_set) joint_set = self.__joint_set.union( list(map(lambda x: x.joint_set, others))) values = np.append(self.__values, list( map(lambda x: x.values, others))) return self.__class__(joint_set, values) else: raise TypeError('others is not one of expected types ' 'JointValues or Iterable[JointValues]')
[docs] def to_joint_path_point_msg(self): """ Transform to xamlamoveit_msgs JointPathPoint message """ joint_path_point = JointPathPoint() joint_path_point.positions = list(self.__values) return joint_path_point
[docs] def to_joint_values_point_msg(self): """ Transform to xamlamoveit_msgs JointValuesPoint message """ joint_values_point = JointValuesPoint() joint_values_point.joint_names = self.__joint_set.names joint_values_point.positions = list(self.__values) return joint_values_point
def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns value by joint name or index Parameters ---------- key : int ,str or slice index of joint, slice or joint name for which the values are requested Returns ------- value : numpy floating or numpy ndarray of floating Joint value if index or joint name is valid / exists Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If key is not int, str or slice ValueError : If joint name not exists IndexError : If index is out of range """ if isinstance(key, str): try: return self.__values[self.__joint_set.get_index_of(key)] except ValueError: raise ValueError('joint name not exists') elif isinstance(key, (int, slice)): try: return self.__values[key] except IndexError: raise IndexError('index out of range') else: raise TypeError( 'key is not one of expected types int, str or slice ') def __len__(self): return len(self.__values) def __iter__(self): return self.__values.__iter__() def __str__(self): values_str = '\n'.join([name + ' : ' + str(self.__values[i]) for i, name in enumerate(self.__joint_set)]) return 'JointValues:\n' + values_str def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): r_tol = 1.0e-13 a_tol = 1.0e-14 if not isinstance(other, JointValues): return False if id(other) == id(self): return True if other.joint_set != self.__joint_set: return False if not np.allclose(self.values, other.values, rtol=r_tol, atol=a_tol, equal_nan=True): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if len(other.joint_set) < len(self.__joint_set): values = np.zeros(len(other.joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(other.joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[self.__joint_set.get_index_of(name)] + other.values[i]) return self.__class__(other.joint_set, values) else: values = np.zeros( len(self.__joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(self.__joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[i] + other.values[other.joint_set.get_index_of(name)]) else: values = self.__values + other return self.__class__(self.__joint_set, values) def __radd__(self, other): return other + self.__values def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if len(other.joint_set) < len(self.__joint_set): values = np.zeros(len(other.joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(other.joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[self.__joint_set.get_index_of(name)] - other.values[i]) return self.__class__(other.joint_set, values) else: values = np.zeros( len(self.__joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(self.__joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[i] - other.values[other.joint_set.get_index_of(name)]) else: values = self.__values - other return self.__class__(self.__joint_set, values) def __rsub__(self, other): return other - self.__values def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if len(other.joint_set) < len(self.__joint_set): values = np.zeros(len(other.joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(other.joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[self.__joint_set.get_index_of(name)] * other.values[i]) return self.__class__(other.joint_set, values) else: values = np.zeros( len(self.__joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(self.__joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[i] * other.values[other.joint_set.get_index_of(name)]) else: values = self.__values * other return self.__class__(self.__joint_set, values) def __rmul__(self, other): values = other * self.__values return self.__class__(self.__joint_set, values) def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if len(other.joint_set) < len(self.__joint_set): values = np.zeros(len(other.joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(other.joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[self.__joint_set.get_index_of(name)] / other.values[i]) return self.__class__(other.joint_set, values) else: values = np.zeros( len(self.__joint_set), self.__values.dtype) for i, name in enumerate(self.__joint_set): values[i] = (self.__values[i] / other.values[other.joint_set.get_index_of(name)]) else: values = self.__values / other return self.__class__(self.__joint_set, values) def __rtruediv__(self, other): values = other / self.__values return self.__class__(self.__joint_set, values)