Source code for xamla_motion.data_types.pose

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#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pyquaternion import Quaternion
import geometry_msgs.msg as geometry_msgs
import numpy as np

[docs]class Pose(object): """ Pose defined by three dimensional translation and rotation The translation is representated by a three dimensional row vector. The rotation is represented by a quaternion. The pose itself is defined in coordinate system which is defined in frame_id (default world) Methods ------- from_transformation_matrix(matrix, frame_id='',normalize_rotation=False) Creates an instance of Pose from a transformation matrix from_posestamped_msg(msg) Initialize Pose from ROS posestamped message from_pose_msg(msg, frame_id='') Initialize Pose from ROS pose message normalize_rotation() Creates an instance of Pose with normalized quaternion is_rotation_normalized() Return True if quaternion is normalized rotation_matrix() Returns the rotation matrix(3x3 numpy array) transformation_matrix() Returns the transformation matrix in homogenous coordinates (4x4 numpy array) inverse(new_frame_id) Creates an instance which contains the inverse of this pose translate(translation) Translate pose rotate(rotation) Rotate pose to_posestamped_msg() Creates an instance of the ROS message PoseStamped from Pose """ def __init__(self, translation, rotation, frame_id='world', normalize_rotation=False): """ Initialization of the pose class For the internal quaternion representation and also to initialize the the class the library pyquaternion is used : Parameters ---------- translation : convertable to numpy array of shape (3,) translation or position the pose describes rotation : pyquaternion.Quaternion rotation the pose describes as Quaternion frame_id : str (optinal defaul = 'world') name of the coordinate system the pose is defined normalize_rotation : bool (optinal default = False) If true quaternion normalization is performed in the initialization process Returns ------ pose : Pose An instance of class Pose Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If tranlation vector could not converted to a numpy array of shape (3,) with d type floating and the quaternion is not of type Quaternion. If frame_id is not of type str If normalize_rotation is not of type bool ValueError If the quaternion initalization from translation matrix went wrong Examples -------- Create a Pose by translation and quaternion and perform normalization >>> quaternion = Quaternion(matrix=np.eye(3)) >>> translation = np.array([1.0,1.0,1.0]) >>> p1 = Pose(translation, quaternion, _, True) """ # translation try: self.__translation = np.fromiter(translation, float) if self.__translation.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError('provided translation is not' ' convertabel to a numpy vector of size (3,)') except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: raise exc # rotation if isinstance(rotation, Quaternion): self.__quaternion = Quaternion(rotation.q.copy()) else: raise TypeError('rotation is not of the expected' ' type Quaternion') if not isinstance(frame_id, str): raise TypeError('frame_id is not of expected type str') self.__frame_id = frame_id if not isinstance(normalize_rotation, bool): raise TypeError('normalize_rotation is not of expected type bool') if normalize_rotation is True: self._normalize_rotation() self.__translation.flags.writeable = False self.__quaternion.q.flags.writeable = False
[docs] @classmethod def identity(cls, frame_id='world'): """ Creates a instance of Pose from idenity matrix Parameters ---------- frame_id : str (optional defaul = 'world') name of the coordinate system the pose is defined Returns ------ pose : Pose An instance of class Pose """ translation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] quaternion = Quaternion([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) return cls(translation, quaternion, frame_id)
[docs] @classmethod def from_transformation_matrix(cls, matrix, frame_id='world', normalize_rotation=False): """ Initialization of the pose class from transformation matrix Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.ndarray((4,4),np.dtype=floating) A transformation matrix in homogenous coordinates frame_id : str (defaul = 'world') name of the coordinate system the pose is defined normalize_rotation : bool (optional default = False) If true quaternion normalization is performed in the initialization process Returns ------ pose : Pose An instance of class Pose Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If tranformation matrix is not a 4x4 numpy array with dtype floating Examples -------- Create a Pose instance from transformation matrix and set frame_id >>> transformation_matrix = np.eye(4) >>> p0 = Pose.from_transformation_matrix(transformation_matrix, "global") """ if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): if (len(matrix.shape) != 2 or matrix.shape[0] != 4 or matrix.shape[1] != 4): raise ValueError('matrix is not a 4x4 numpy array') if not issubclass(matrix.dtype.type, np.floating): raise TypeError('matrix is not a' 'dtype is no floating type') transformation_matrix = matrix.copy() translation = transformation_matrix[:-1, 3] try: quaternion = Quaternion( matrix=transformation_matrix) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError( 'quaternion initialization went wrong') from exc else: raise TypeError('matrix is not of type numpy array') return cls(translation, quaternion, frame_id, normalize_rotation)
[docs] @classmethod def from_posestamped_msg(cls, msg): """ Initialize Pose from ROS posestamped message Parameters ---------- msg : PoseStamped from ROS geometry_msgs posestamped message Returns ------- pose : Pose Instance of Pose generated from PoseStamped message Raises ------ TypeError If msg is not of type PoseStamped """ if not isinstance(msg, geometry_msgs.PoseStamped): raise TypeError('msg is not of expected type PoseStamped') translation = np.fromiter([msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y, msg.pose.position.z], float) quaternion = Quaternion([msg.pose.orientation.w, msg.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.orientation.z]) frame_id = msg.header.frame_id if not frame_id: frame_id = 'world' return cls(translation, quaternion, frame_id)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pose_msg(cls, msg, frame_id='world'): """ Initialize Pose from ros geometry_msgs/Pose Parameters ---------- msg : Pose from geometry_msgs pose message Returns ------- pose : Pose Instance of Pose from pose message Raises ------ TypeError If msg is not of type Pose """ if not isinstance(msg, geometry_msgs.Pose): raise TypeError('msg is not of type ros geometry_msgs/Pose') translation = np.fromiter([msg.position.x, msg.position.y, msg.position.z], float) quaternion = Quaternion([msg.orientation.w, msg.orientation.x, msg.orientation.y, msg.orientation.z]) return cls(translation, quaternion, frame_id)
@property def frame_id(self): """ frame_id : str (readonly) Id of the coordinate system / frame """ return self.__frame_id @property def translation(self): """ translation : numpy.array((3,) dtype=floating) (readonly) numpy row array of size 3 which describes the translation """ return self.__translation @property def quaternion(self): """ quaternion: Quaternion(pyquaternion lib) (readonly) Quaternion which describes the rotation """ return self.__quaternion
[docs] def normalize_rotation(self): """ Creates an instance of Pose with normalized quaternion Returns ------ pose : Pose Instance of Pose with normalized quaternion / rotation """ if np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(self.__quaternion.elements), 1.0): return self else: return Pose(self.__translation, self.__quaternion, normalize_rotation=True)
def _normalize_rotation(self): self.__quaternion._fast_normalise() if self.__quaternion[0] < 0: self.__quaternion = -self.__quaternion
[docs] def is_rotation_normalized(self): """ Returns True is rotation is normalized Returns ------- result : bool True is rotation is normalized else False """ if np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(self.__quaternion.elements), 1.0): return True else: return False
[docs] def rotation_matrix(self): """ Returns the rotation matrix (3x3 numpy array) Returns ------ rotation_matrix : np.ndarray A 3x3 numpy array with dtype float which represents the rotation matrix """ return self.__quaternion.rotation_matrix
[docs] def transformation_matrix(self): """ Return the transformation martix in homogenous coordinates (4x4 numpy array) Returns ------ transformation_matrix : np.ndarray A 4x4 numpy array with dtype float which represents the transformation matrix in homogenous coordinates """ transformation_matrix = self.__quaternion.transformation_matrix transformation_matrix[:-1, -1] = self.__translation return transformation_matrix
[docs] def inverse(self, new_frame_id): """ Creates an instance which contains the inverse of this pose Parameters ---------- new_frame_id : str convertable name of the coordinate system in which pose is now defined Returns ------- inv_pose : Pose pose which is the inverse of self Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If new_frame_id is not of type str """ q_inv = self.__quaternion.inverse t_inv = q_inv.rotate(-self.translation) return self.__class__(t_inv, q_inv, new_frame_id)
[docs] def translate(self, translation): """ Translate pose Parameters ---------- translation : Iterable translation which defines the change in x,y,z Returns ------- translated_pose : Pose pose which is translated by translate vector Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If translation is not convertable to np.ndarray ValueError If translation is not of size 3 (x,y,z) """ try: translation = np.fromiter(translation, float) if translation.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError('provided translation is not' ' convertabel to a numpy vector of size (3,)') except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: raise exc new_t = self.__translation + translation return type(self)(new_t, self.__quaternion, self.__frame_id)
[docs] def rotate(self, rotation): """ Rotate pose Parameters ---------- rotation: (Quaternion or np.ndarray) defines rotation by Quaternion or 3x3 rotation matrix Returns ------- rotated_pose : Pose pose which is rotated by rotation Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If rotation is not one of expected types 3x3 np.ndarray or pyquaternion.Quaternion ValueError If initialization of Quaternion is not possible """ is_quaternion = isinstance(rotation, Quaternion) is_rotation_matrix = (isinstance(rotation, np.ndarray) and rotation.shape == (3, 3)) if is_quaternion: new_q = self.__quaternion * rotation elif is_rotation_matrix: try: new_q = self.__quaternion * Quaternion(matrix=rotation) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError( 'quaternion initialization went wrong') from exc else: raise TypeError('rotation is not one of expected types ' 'Quaternion or np.ndarray (3x3)') return type(self)(self.__translation, new_q, self.__frame_id)
[docs] def to_posestamped_msg(self): """ Creates an instance of the ROS message PoseStamped Returns ------ Instance of ROS message PoseStamped (seq and time are not set) """ pose_stamped = geometry_msgs.PoseStamped() pose_stamped.header.frame_id = self.__frame_id pose_stamped.pose.position.x = self.__translation[0] pose_stamped.pose.position.y = self.__translation[1] pose_stamped.pose.position.z = self.__translation[2] pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = self.__quaternion[0] pose_stamped.pose.orientation.x = self.__quaternion[1] pose_stamped.pose.orientation.y = self.__quaternion[2] pose_stamped.pose.orientation.z = self.__quaternion[3] return pose_stamped
[docs] def to_pose_msg(self): """ Creates an instance of the ROS message Pose Returns ------ Instance of ROS message Pose geometry_msgs/Pose """ pose = geometry_msgs.Pose() pose.position.x = self.__translation[0] pose.position.y = self.__translation[1] pose.position.z = self.__translation[2] pose.orientation.w = self.__quaternion[0] pose.orientation.x = self.__quaternion[1] pose.orientation.y = self.__quaternion[2] pose.orientation.z = self.__quaternion[3] return pose
def __str__(self): axes = tuple(['w', 'x', 'y', 'z']) translation_str = '\n'.join(['translation.'+axes[i+1] + ' : ' + str(value) for i, value in enumerate(self.__translation)]) quaternion_str = '\n'.join(['quaternion.'+axes[i] + ' : ' + str(value) for i, value in enumerate(self.__quaternion)]) return ('Pose:\n' + translation_str + '\n' + quaternion_str + '\nframe_id : ' + self.__frame_id) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): r_tol = 1.0e-6 a_tol = 1.0e-7 if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if id(other) == id(self): return True if not np.allclose(self.__translation, other.translation, rtol=r_tol, atol=a_tol): return False if self.__quaternion != other.quaternion: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): new_q = self.__quaternion * other.quaternion new_t = (self.__translation + self.__quaternion.rotate(other.translation)) return self.__class__(new_t, new_q, self.frame_id) elif (isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and issubclass(other.dtype.type, np.floating)): if other.shape == (3,): new_t = (self.__translation + self.__quaternion.rotate(other)) return new_t elif other.shape == (3, 1): new_t = (self.__translation + self.__quaternion.rotate(other)) return np.expand_dims(new_t, axis=1) elif other.shape == (4,): new_t = np.ones(other.shape) new_t[0:3] = (self.__translation * other[-1] + self.__quaternion.rotate(other[:3])) return new_t elif other.shape == (4, 1): new_t = np.ones(other.shape) t3 = (self.__translation * other[-1] + self.__quaternion.rotate(other[:3])) new_t[0:3] = np.expand_dims(t3, axis=1) return new_t elif other.shape == (4, 4): product = np.matmul(self.transformation_matrix(), other) return self.from_transformation_matrix(product, self.__frame_id) else: TypeError('vector is not of shape (3,), (3,1),' ' (4,), (4,1) or matrix (4,4)') else: TypeError('other is not of expected type Pose,' ' 3 or 4 dimensional numpy vector or' ' 4x4 transformation matrix dtype floating') def __rmul__(self, other): return, self.transformation_matrix()) __array_priority__ = 10000