Source code for xamla_motion.gripper_client

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from .data_types import MoveGripperResult, WsgCommand, WsgResult
from .motion_service import MotionService
from .xamla_motion_exceptions import ServiceException

import rospy
import asyncio

[docs]class WeissWsgGripperProperties(object): """ Property class for Weiss Wsg gripper This class holds the action and service names for a specific Weiss Wsg gripper """ def __init__(self, name, prefix='xamla/wsg_driver'): """ Initialize WeissWsgProperties Parameters ---------- name : str convertable Name of a specific gripper in rosvita (Configuration, individual wsg actuator, property Name) prefix : str (default = /xamla/wsg_driver/) Prefix of the ros service and action names to control a wsg gripper Returns ------- WeissWsgProperties Instance of WeissWsgProperties Raises ------ TypeError If name is not str convertable If prefix is not str convertable """ prefix = str(prefix) prefix = prefix + '/' if not prefix.endswith('/') else prefix prefix = '/' + prefix if not prefix.startswith('/') else prefix name = str(name) self.__status_service_name = prefix + name + '/get_gripper_status' self.__set_acc_service_name = prefix + name + '/set_acceleration' self.__control_action_name = prefix + name + '/gripper_control' @property def status_service_name(self): """ status_service_name : str Name of the status service for specific Weiss gripper """ return self.__status_service_name @property def set_acc_service_name(self): """ set_acc_name : str Name of the set acceleration service for specific Weiss gripper """ return self.__set_acc_service_name @property def control_action_name(self): """ control_action_name : str Name of the control action for specific Weiss gripper """ return self.__control_action_name
[docs]class WeissWsgGripper(object): """ WeissWsgGripper class Represent a Weiss Wsg gripper and his abilities / properties Methods ------- get_status() Get current status of the gripper acknowledge_error() Asynchronous acknowledge an error grasp(position, speed, force) Asynchronous action to perform a grasp async def homing() Asynchronous action to home the gripper move(position, speed, force, stop_on_block) Asynchronous action to perform a movement release(self, position, speed) Asynchronous action to release the gripper from a grasp stop() Asynchronous action to perform stop the gripper set_acceleration(acceleration) Set gripper acceleration """ def __init__(self, gripper_properties, motion_service): """ Initialize Weiss Wsg Gripper instance Parameters ---------- gripper_properties : WeissWsgGripperProperties Properties of this gripper instance. Especially the ros services names to control the gripper motion_service : MotionService Instance of MotionService to communicate with the motion server via ros Returns ------- WeissWsgGripper Instance of WeissWsgGripper Raises ------ TypeError If gripper_properties is not of type WeissWsgGripperProperties or if motion_service is not of type MotionService ServiceExeption If status service or set acceleration service are not available """ from wsg_50_common.srv import GetGripperStatus, SetValue if not isinstance(gripper_properties, WeissWsgGripperProperties): raise TypeError('gripper_properties is not of expected' ' type WeissWsgProperties') if not isinstance(motion_service, MotionService): raise TypeError('motion_service is not of expected' ' type MotionService') self.__properties = gripper_properties self.__m_service = motion_service try: self.__status_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( self.__properties.status_service_name, GetGripperStatus) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('connection for service with name: ' + self.__properties.status_service_name + ' could not be established') from exc try: self.__set_acc_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( self.__properties.set_acc_service_name, SetValue) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('connection for service with name: ' + self.__properties.set_acc_service_name + ' could not be established') from exc @property def properties(self): """ Properties of this Weiss wsg gripper instance """ return self.__properties
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Get current status of the gripper Returns ------- status : wsg_50_common.msg Status current status of the gripper Raises ------ ServiceError If current service is not available or failed """ try: response = self.__status_service() except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service with name ' + self.__properties.status_service_name + ' is not available or failed') from exc return response.status
[docs] async def acknowledge_error(self): """ Asynchronous acknowledge an error Returns ------- WsgResult Result status of the Weiss Wsg gripper after the execution of the acknowledge action Raises ------ ServiceError If control action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ r = await self.__m_service.wsg_gripper_command(self.__properties.control_action_name, WsgCommand.acknowledge_error, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, True) return r
[docs] async def grasp(self, position, speed, force): """ Asynchronous action to perform a grasp Parameters ---------- position : float convertable Requested position in meters speed : float convertable Requested speed in m/s force : float convertable Force which should maximally applied in Newton Returns ------- WsgResult Result status of the Weiss Wsg gripper after the execution of the acknowledge action Raises ------ TypeError If inputs are not convertable to specified type ServiceError If control action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ r = await self.__m_service.wsg_gripper_command(self.__properties.control_action_name, WsgCommand.grasp, float(position), float(speed), float(force), True) return r
[docs] async def homing(self): """ Asynchronous action to home the gripper Returns ------- WsgResult Result status of the Weiss Wsg gripper after the execution of the acknowledge action Raises ------ ServiceError If control action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ r = await self.__m_service.wsg_gripper_command(self.__properties.control_action_name, WsgCommand.homing, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, True) return r
[docs] async def move(self, position, speed, force, stop_on_block): """ Asynchronous action to perform a movement Parameters ---------- position : float convertable Requested position in meters speed : float convertable Requested speed in m/s force : float convertable Force which should maximally applied in Newton stop_on_block : bool convertable If True stop if maximal force is applied Returns ------- WsgResult Result status of the Weiss Wsg gripper after the execution of the acknowledge action Raises ------ TypeError If inputs are not convertable to specified type ServiceError If control action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ r = await self.__m_service.wsg_gripper_command(self.__properties.control_action_name, WsgCommand.move, float(position), float(speed), float(force), bool(stop_on_block)) return r
[docs] async def release(self, position, speed): """ Asynchronous action to release the gripper from a grasp Parameters ---------- position : float convertable Requested position in meters speed : float convertable Requested speed in m/s Returns ------- WsgResult Result status of the Weiss Wsg gripper after the execution of the acknowledge action Raises ------ TypeError If inputs are not convertable to specified type ServiceError If control action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ r = await self.__m_service.wsg_gripper_command(self.__properties.control_action_name, WsgCommand.release, float(position), float(speed), 0.0, True) return r
[docs] async def stop(self): """ Asynchronous action to perform stop the gripper Returns ------- WsgResult Result status of the Weiss Wsg gripper after the execution of the acknowledge action Raises ------ ServiceError If control action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ r = await self.__m_service.wsg_gripper_command(self.__properties.control_action_name, WsgCommand.stop, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, True) return r
[docs] def set_acceleration(self, acceleration): """ Set gripper acceleration Parameters ---------- acceleration : float convertable Requested acceleration Returns ------- error : bool If True service call was not successful Raises ------ TypeError If inputs are not convertable to specified type ServiceError If control action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ try: response = self.__set_acc_service(float(acceleration)) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service with name ' + self.__properties.set_acc_service_name + ' is not available or failed') from exc return bool(response.error)
[docs]class CommonGripperProperties(object): """ Class with represents the properties of a common gripper This class holds the service and action names which are necessary to command a specific gripper """ def __init__(self, name, prefix): """ Initialization of CommonGripperProperties Parameters ---------- name : str convertable Name of a specific gripper in rosvita (Configuration, individual wsg actuator, property Name) prefix : str convertable Name of the Returns ------- CommonGripperProperties Instance of CommonGripperProperties Raises ------ TypeError If name is not str convertable If prefix is not str convertable """ name = str(name) prefix = str(prefix) prefix = prefix + '/' if not prefix.endswith('/') else prefix prefix = '/' + prefix if not prefix.startswith('/') else prefix self.__command_action_name = prefix + name + '/gripper_command' @property def command_action_name(self): """ command_action_name : str Name of the command action """ return self.__command_action_name
[docs]class CommonGripper(object): """ Class which represents a gripper controlled by the moveit gripper interface Methods ------- move(position, max_effort) Asynchronous action to perform a movement """ def __init__(self, gripper_properties, motion_service): """ Initialize common gripper instance Parameters ---------- gripper_properties : CommonGripperProperties Properties of this gripper instance. Especially the ros services and action names to control the gripper motion_service : MotionService Instance of MotionService to communicate with the motion server via ros Returns ------- CommonGripper Instance of CommonGripper Raises ------ TypeError If gripper_properties is not of type CommonGripperProperties or if motion_service is not of type MotionService """ self.__properties = gripper_properties self.__m_service = motion_service
[docs] async def move(self, position, max_effort): """ Asynchronous action to perform a movement Parameters ---------- position : float convertable Requested position in meters max_effort : float convertable Force which should maximally applied in Newton Returns ------- MoveGripperResult Result status of a common gripper after the execution of the move action Raises ------ TypeError If inputs are not convertable to specified type ServiceError If command action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns with unexpected result """ r = await self.__m_service.move_gripper(self.__properties.command_action_name, float(position), float(max_effort)) return r