Source code for xamla_motion.motion_service

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import rospy
import actionlib
import numpy as np
from datetime import timedelta
import enum

from xamlamoveit_msgs.srv import *
from xamlamoveit_msgs.msg import *
from control_msgs.msg import GripperCommandAction, GripperCommandGoal
from moveit_msgs.msg import MoveItErrorCodes
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool

from .xamla_motion_exceptions import ServiceException, ArgumentError
from .data_types import *
from .utility import ROSNodeSteward, LeaseBaseLock
from collections import Iterable

from actionlib_msgs.msg import GoalID

from functools import partial
from threading import Lock
from copy import deepcopy
import asyncio

class ActionLibGoalStatus(enum.Enum):
    PENDING = 0
    ACTIVE = 1
    ABORTED = 4
    REJECTED = 5
    RECALLED = 8
    LOST = 9

def generate_action_executor(action):

    async def run_action(goal):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        action_done = loop.create_future()

        def done_callback(goal_status, result):
            status = ActionLibGoalStatus(goal_status)

            if not loop.is_closed():
                if status != ActionLibGoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
                        reason = ErrorCodes(result.result)
                        exc = ServiceException('action end unsuccessfully with'
                                               ' state: {}, reason: {}'.format(status,
                    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
                        exc = ServiceException('action end unsuccessfully with'
                                               ' state: {}'.format(status))


            action.send_goal(goal, done_cb=done_callback)
            await action_done
        except asyncio.CancelledError as exc:
            raise exc

        return action_done

    return run_action

class SteppedMotionClient(object):

    Client to perform supervised trajectory execution

        Run supervised trajectory execution

    __step_topic = '/xamlaMoveActions/step'
    __next_topic = '/xamlaMoveActions/next'
    __previous_topic = '/xamlaMoveActions/prev'
    __feedback_topic = '/xamlaMoveActions/feedback'
    __movej_action_name = 'moveJ_step_action'

    class __ShutdownManager(object):

        def __init__(self):
            self.instances = {}
            self.mutex = Lock()

        def on_shutdown(self):
            # print('stepped shutdown')
            for key, cancel in self.instances.items():
                # print('cancel goal_id: {}'.format(key))

        def register_instance(self, goal_id, cancel_func):
            with self.mutex:
                self.instances[goal_id] = cancel_func
                # keys = [key for key in self.instances]
                # print('instances after add: {}'.format(keys))

        def unregister_instance(self, goal_id):
            with self.mutex:
                except KeyError as exc:
                # keys = [key for key in self.instances]
                # print('instances after pop: {}'.format(keys))

    __shutdown_manager = None

    def __init__(self, trajectory: JointTrajectory,
                 velocity_scaling: float, check_collision: bool=True):
        Run supervised trajectory execution

        trajectory : JointTrajectory
            Trajectory which should be executed supervised
        velocity_scaling : float
            Scaling factor to reduce or increase the trajectory
            velocities range [0.0-1.0]
        check_collision : bool (default True)
            If True collision check is performed

            If trajectory is not of expected type JointTrajectory
            If velocity_scaling is not in range between 0.0 an 1.0
            If action goal handle is not available
        self.__mutex = Lock()

        if type(self).__shutdown_manager is None:
            type(self).__shutdown_manager = type(self).__ShutdownManager()

        self.__ros_node_steward = ROSNodeSteward()

        self.__m_action = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(self.__movej_action_name,

        if not self.__m_action.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
            raise ServiceException('connection to stepped motion action'
                                   ' server could not be established')

        self.__goal_id = None
        self.__progress = None
        self.__state = None

        if not isinstance(trajectory, JointTrajectory):
            raise TypeError('trajectory is not of expected type'
                            ' JointTrajectory')

        goal = StepwiseMoveJGoal()
        velocity_scaling = float(velocity_scaling)
        if velocity_scaling > 1.0 or velocity_scaling < 0.0:
            raise ValueError('velocity scaling is not between 0.0 and 1.0')
        goal.veloctiy_scaling = velocity_scaling
        goal.check_collision = bool(check_collision)
        goal.trajectory = trajectory.to_joint_trajectory_msg()

        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.__action_done = loop.create_future()

        def done_callback(goal_status, result):
            status = ActionLibGoalStatus(goal_status)


            if not loop.is_closed():
                if status != ActionLibGoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
                        reason = ErrorCodes(result.result)
                        exc = ServiceException('action end unsuccessfully with'
                                               ' state: {}, reason: {}'.format(status,
                    except ValueError:
                        exc = ServiceException('action end unsuccessfully with'
                                               ' state: {}'.format(status))


        self.__m_action.send_goal(goal, done_cb=done_callback)

        self.__goal_id =

        if not self.__goal_id:
            raise ServiceException('action goal handle is not available')


        self.__state = SteppedMotionState(, '', 1, 0.0)

        self.__step_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.__step_topic,
        self.__next_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.__next_topic,
        self.__previous_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.__previous_topic,

        self.__feedback_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.__feedback_topic,

    def __del__(self):

    def cancel(self):
        except ServiceException:

    def state(self):
        state : SteppedMotionState or None
            Current state of the supervised trajectory execution
        with self.__mutex:
            return self.__state

    def goal_id(self):
        goal_id : GoalId or None
            Current ros action goal id
        return self.__goal_id

    def action_done_future(self):
        action_done_future : asyncio.future
            future which is done when supervised move is done of cancelled

        return self.__action_done

    def step(self, velocity_scaling=0.5):
        Requests the supervised executor to perform a step

        The stepping direction is determined by the sign of the velocity_scaling

        velocity_scaling : float
            Specifies the desired velocity and direction of the supervised motion.
            Positive values mean forward and negative values backward stepping.
            To stop fast as possible set velocity scaling to 0.0.
            Valid range: [-1.0, 1.0]

            If velocity_scaling is not between -1.0 and 1.0

        if velocity_scaling < -1.00001 or velocity_scaling > 1.00001:
            raise ValueError('velocity scaling is not in range [-1.0, 1.0]')

        if self.__goal_id:
            msg = Step()
            msg.velocity_scaling = velocity_scaling

    def next(self):
        Request at supervised executor to perform next step
        if self.__goal_id:

    def previous(self):
        Request at supervised executor to perform previous step
        if self.__goal_id:

    def _feedback_callback(self, trajectory_progress):
        if self.__progress != trajectory_progress.progress:
            with self.__mutex:
                self.__progress = trajectory_progress.progress
                self.__state = SteppedMotionState(,

    def _done_callback(self, future):
        # print('done callback')
        # type(self).__shutdown_manager.unregister_instance(

[docs]class MotionService(object): __movej_action = 'moveJ_action' __query_inverse_kinematics_service = "xamlaMoveGroupServices/query_ik2" def __init__(self): self.__ros_node_steward = ROSNodeSteward() try: self.__ik_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( self.__query_inverse_kinematics_service, GetIKSolution2) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('init service for query' ' inverse kinematics failed,' ' abort ') from exc self.__m_action = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(self.__movej_action, moveJAction) if not self.__m_action.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): raise ServiceException('connection to moveJ action' ' server could not be established')
[docs] @classmethod def query_available_move_groups(cls): """ Query all currently available move groups To query the move groups the ros service with the string defined in query_move_group_service is called Returns ------- groups : List[MoveGroupDescription] Returns a list with instances of MoveGroupDescription. For further details please take a look into the documentation of MoveGroupDescription Raises ------ xamla_motion.ServiceNotAvailableException If Service not exist or is not callable TypeError If the service response joint_names are not of an iterable type """ query_move_group_service = ('xamlaMoveGroupServices/' 'query_move_group_interface') try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_move_group_service, QueryMoveGroupInterfaces) response = service() except rospy.ServiceException as exc: raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' available move groups failed,' ' abort ') from exc groups = list() for g in response.move_group_interfaces: if len(g.joint_names) == 0: joint_set = JointSet.empty() else: joint_set = JointSet(g.joint_names) groups.append(MoveGroupDescription(, g.sub_move_group_ids, joint_set, g.end_effector_names, g.end_effector_link_names)) return groups
[docs] @classmethod def query_available_end_effectors(cls): """ Query all currently available end effectors To query the available end effectors the ros service with the string defined in _query_move_group_service is called an only the relevant information about the endeffector is filtered out Returns ------- end_effectors : Dict[str, EndEffectorDescription] Returns a dictionary key is the endeffector name, value is an instance of EndEffectorDescription Raises ------ xamla_motion.ServiceExeption If Service not exist or is not callable TypeError If the service response joint_names are not of an iterable type """ try: move_groups = cls.query_available_move_groups() except (ServiceException, TypeError) as exc: raise exc end_effectors = {} for group in move_groups: for i, end_effector in enumerate(group.end_effector_names): if end_effector not in end_effectors: d = EndEffectorDescription(end_effector, group.sub_move_group_ids, group.joint_set,, group.end_effector_link_names[i]) end_effectors[end_effector] = d return end_effectors
[docs] @classmethod def query_endeffector_limits(cls, name): """ Query end effector limits from ros param To query the end effector limits the ros param definied in end_effector_limits_param is read out Parameters ---------- name : str convertable Name of the end effector for which the limits are queried Returns ------- EndEffectorLimits Returns a instance of EndEffectorLimits Raises ------ RuntimeError If the the ros parameter or the requested end effector name no exists KeyError If not all necessary limits exists """ end_effector_limits_param = ('xamlaJointJogging/' 'end_effector_list') try: eel_param = rospy.get_param(end_effector_limits_param) except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError('end effector limit ros param: ' + end_effector_limits_param + ' not exists') from exc name = str(name) for limits in eel_param: try: end_effector_name = limits['name'] except KeyError as exc: continue if name == end_effector_name: max_xyz_vel = limits['taskspace_xyz_max_vel'] max_xyz_acc = limits['taskspace_xyz_max_acc'] max_angular_vel = limits['taskspace_angular_max_vel'] max_angular_acc = limits['taskspace_angular_max_acc'] return EndEffectorLimits(max_xyz_vel, max_xyz_acc, max_angular_vel, max_angular_acc) else: continue raise RuntimeError('Requested end effector name not exists')
[docs] @classmethod def query_joint_limits(cls, joint_set): """ Query end joint limits from ros param To query the joint limits the ros param definied in joint_limits_param + joint name + limit name is read out Parameters ---------- join_set : JointSet Set of joints for which the limits are queried Returns ------- JointLimits Returns a instance of JointLimits invalid limits are of type numpy.nan Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If joint_set is not of expected type JointSet KeyError If ros params not exists """ joint_limits_param = ('robot_description_planning/' 'joint_limits') if not isinstance(joint_set, JointSet): raise TypeError('joint_set is not of expected type JointSet') maxVel = [None] * len(joint_set) maxAcc = [None] * len(joint_set) minPos = [None] * len(joint_set) maxPos = [None] * len(joint_set) for i, name in enumerate(joint_set): prefix = joint_limits_param + '/' + name + '/' if rospy.get_param(prefix+'has_velocity_limits'): maxVel[i] = rospy.get_param(prefix+'max_velocity') if rospy.get_param(prefix+'has_acceleration_limits'): maxAcc[i] = rospy.get_param(prefix+'max_acceleration') if rospy.get_param(prefix+'has_position_limits'): minPos[i] = rospy.get_param(prefix+'min_position') maxPos[i] = rospy.get_param(prefix+'max_position') return JointLimits(joint_set, maxVel, maxAcc, minPos, maxPos)
[docs] @classmethod def query_joint_states(cls, joint_set): """ Query joint states by calling the providing ros service To query the joint states the ros service with the name defined in quary_joint_states_service is called Parameters ---------- joint_set : JointSet Set of joints for which the joint states are queried Returns ------- JointStates Returns a instance of JointStates which contains the joint states of all joints defined in joint_set Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If joint_set is not of expected type JointSet xamla_motion.ServiceException If ros service not exists or is not callable """ query_joint_states_service = ('xamlaMoveGroupServices/' 'query_move_group' '_current_position') if not isinstance(joint_set, JointSet): raise TypeError('joint_set is not of expected type JointSet') try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_joint_states_service, GetCurrentJointState) response = service(joint_set.names).current_joint_position except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service call for query current' 'joint states failed, abort ') raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' current joint states ' 'failed, abort') from exc r_joint_set = JointSet( positions = JointValues(r_joint_set, response.position) if not response.velocity: velocities = None else: velocities = JointValues(r_joint_set, response.velocity) if not response.effort: efforts = None else: efforts = JointValues(r_joint_set, response.effort) return JointStates(positions, velocities, efforts)
[docs] @classmethod def query_pose(cls, move_group_name, joint_positions, end_effector_link=''): """ Computes the pose by applying forward kinematics Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str convertable name of the move group from which the pose is queried joint_positions : JointValues joint values from which the pose is calculated end_effector_link : str convertable (optional) end effector link is necessary if end effector is not part of the move group but pose should be computed for the end effector Returns ------- Pose Pose of the kinematic chain defined by the input parameter Raises ------ TypeError If joint_positions is not of type JointValues """ if not isinstance(joint_positions, JointValues): raise TypeError('joint_positions is not of' ' expected type JointValues') joint_path = JointPath.from_one_point(joint_positions) return cls.query_pose_many(move_group_name, joint_path, end_effector_link)[0]
[docs] @classmethod def query_pose_many(cls, move_group_name, joint_path, end_effector_link=''): """ Query the poses from joint path points by applying forward kinematics Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str convertable name of the move group from which the poses are queried joint_path : JointPath joint path from which the poses are calculated end_effector_link : str convertable (optional) end effector link is necessary if end effector is not part of the move group but pose should be computed for the end effector Returns ------- List[Pose] List of Poses Raises ------ TypeError If joint_path is not of type JointPath """ query_forward_kinematics_service = ('xamlaMoveGroupServices/' 'query_fk') move_group_name = str(move_group_name) end_effector_link = str(end_effector_link) if not isinstance(joint_path, JointPath): raise TypeError('joint_path is not of expected type JointPath') try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_forward_kinematics_service, GetFKSolution) response = service(move_group_name, end_effector_link, joint_path.joint_set, [p.to_joint_path_point_msg() for p in joint_path]) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service call for query forward kinematics' ' failed, abort ') raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' forward kinematics' ' failed, abort') from exc if (response.error_codes is None or response.error_msgs is None or len(response.error_codes) != len(response.error_msgs)): raise ServiceException('service call for query forward ' 'kinematics returns with ' 'invalid response') for i, error in enumerate(response.error_codes): if error.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ServiceException('service call for query forward' ' kinematics was not' ' successful for point: ' + str(i) + ' service name: ' + query_forward_kinematics_service + ' error code: ' + str(error.val) + ', error message: ' + response.error_msgs[i]) return list(map(lambda x: Pose.from_posestamped_msg(x),
@classmethod def _query_moveit_joint_path(cls, move_group_name, joint_path): query_joint_path_service = ('xamlaPlanningServices/' 'query_joint_path') if not isinstance(joint_path, JointPath): raise TypeError('joint_path is not of expected type JointPath') try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_joint_path_service, GetMoveItJointPath) response = service(move_group_name, joint_path.joint_set, [p.to_joint_path_point_msg() for p in joint_path]) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service call for query joint path' ' failed, abort ') raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' joint path' ' failed, abort') from exc return response
[docs] @classmethod def query_collision_free_joint_path(cls, move_group_name, joint_path): """ Query a collision free joint path from a user defined joint path Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str convertable name of the move group for which the collision free joint is required joint_path : JointPath joint path which may contains collisions Results ------- JointPath New planned JointPath without collisions Raises ------ TypeError : type mismatch If joint_path is not of expectef type JointPath or it move_group_name is not convertable to str ServiceException If query joint path service is not callable or is not successful """ query_joint_path_service = ('xamlaPlanningServices/' 'query_joint_path') if not isinstance(joint_path, JointPath): raise TypeError('joint_path is not of expected type JointPath') move_group_name = str(move_group_name) response = cls._query_moveit_joint_path(move_group_name, joint_path) if response.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ServiceException('service call for query collision free' ' joint path was not successful. ' 'service name:' + query_joint_path_service + ' error code: ' + str(response.error_code.val)) return JointPath(joint_path.joint_set, [JointValues(joint_path.joint_set, p.positions) for p in response.path])
[docs] @classmethod def query_joint_trajectory(cls, joint_path, max_velocity, max_acceleration, max_deviation, delta_t): """ Query a joint trajectory from joint path / joint positions Parameters ---------- joint_path : JointPath Defines the key joint positions the trajectory must reach max_velocity : Iterable[float convertable] Defines the maximal velocity for every joint max_acceleration : Iterable[float convertable] Defines the maximal acceleration for every joint max_deviation : float convertable Defines the maximal deviation of the joints to the defined key points while executing the trajectory delta_t : float convertable Sampling points frequency or time if value is create as 1.0 the value is interpreted as a value in seconds else the value is interpreted as a value in Hz Returns ------- JointTrajectory An instance of JointTrajectory with dense JointTrajectoryPoints Raises ------ TypeError If joint_path is not of expected type JointPath or max_velocity or max_acceleration is not iterable or values of max_velocity, max_acceleration or delta_t are not convertable to float ValueError If max_velocity or max_acceleration have not the same number of values has joints are defined in joint_path """ query_joint_trajectory_service = ('xamlaPlanningServices/' 'query_joint_trajectory') if not isinstance(joint_path, JointPath): raise TypeError('joint_path is not of expected type JointPath') max_velocity = [float(v) for v in max_velocity] if len(max_velocity) != len(joint_path.joint_set): raise ValueError('max_velocity has not the same number of values' ' as joints are defined in joint_path') max_acceleration = [float(v) for v in max_acceleration] if len(max_acceleration) != len(joint_path.joint_set): raise ValueError('max_acceleration has not the same number of' ' values as joints are defined in joint_path') max_deviation = float(max_deviation) delta_t = float(delta_t) delta_t = 1 / delta_t if delta_t > 1.0 else delta_t try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_joint_trajectory_service, GetOptimJointTrajectory) response = service(joint_path.joint_set, [p.to_joint_path_point_msg() for p in joint_path], max_velocity, max_acceleration, max_deviation, delta_t) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service call for query joint trajectory' ' failed, abort ') raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' joint trajectory' ' failed, abort') from exc if response.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ServiceException('service call for query joint' ' trajectory was not successful. ' 'service name:' + query_joint_trajectory_service + ' error code: ' + str(response.error_code.val)) j = JointSet(response.solution.joint_names) p = [JointTrajectoryPoint.from_joint_trajectory_point_msg(j, p) for p in response.solution.points] return JointTrajectory(j, p)
[docs] @classmethod def query_task_space_trajectory(cls, end_effector_name, cartesian_path, seed, max_xyz_velocity, max_xyz_acceleration, max_angular_velocity, max_angular_acceleration, ik_jump_threshold, max_deviation, collision_check, delta_t): """ Query a joint trajectory from task space poses Parameters ---------- end_effector_name : str convertable Name of the end effector for a trajectory should be quried cartesian_path : CartesianPath Define the key poses the trajectory must reach seed : JointValues numerical seed to control configuration of the robot max_xyz_velocity : float convertable max velocity for translation in m/s max_xyz_acceleration : float convertable max acceleration for translation in m/s^2 max_angular_velocity : float convertable max angular velocity in rad/s max_angular_acceleration : float convertable max angular acceleration in rad/s^2 ik_jump_threshold : float convertable maximal inverse kinematic jump max_deviation : float convertable Defines the maximal deviation of the joints to the defined key points while executing the trajectory collision_check : bool convertable If true check the trajectory is collision free delta_t : float convertable Sampling points frequency or time if value is create as 1.0 the value is interpreted as a value in seconds else the value is interpreted as a value in Hz Returns ------- JointTrajectory An instance of JointTrajectory with dense JointTrajectoryPoints Raises ------ TypeError If cartesian_path is not of expected type CartesianPath or if seed is not of expected type JointValues max_* is not iterable or the values are not convertable as expected ValueError If max_velocity or max_acceleration have not the same number of values has joints are defined in joint_path """ query_cartesian_trajectory_service = ('xamlaPlanningServices/' 'query_cartesian_trajectory') if not isinstance(cartesian_path, CartesianPath): raise TypeError( 'cartesian_path is not of expected type CartesianPath') if not isinstance(seed, JointValues): raise TypeError('seed is not of expected type JointValues') max_xyz_velocity = float(max_xyz_velocity) max_xyz_acceleration = float(max_xyz_acceleration) max_angular_velocity = float(max_angular_velocity) max_angular_acceleration = float(max_angular_acceleration) end_effector_name = str(end_effector_name) ik_jump_threshold = float(ik_jump_threshold) max_deviation = float(max_deviation) collision_check = bool(collision_check) delta_t = float(delta_t) delta_t = 1 / delta_t if delta_t > 1.0 else delta_t try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_cartesian_trajectory_service, GetLinearCartesianTrajectory) response = service(end_effector_name, [p.to_posestamped_msg() for p in cartesian_path], max_xyz_velocity, max_xyz_acceleration, max_angular_velocity, max_angular_acceleration, delta_t, ik_jump_threshold, max_deviation, seed.joint_set, seed.to_joint_path_point_msg(), collision_check) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service call for query cartesian trajectory' ' failed, abort ') raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' cartesian trajectory' ' failed, abort') from exc if response.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: raise ServiceException('service call for query cartesian' ' trajectory was not successful. ' 'service name:' + query_cartesian_trajectory_service + ' error code: ' + str(response.error_code.val)) j = JointSet(response.solution.joint_names) p = [JointTrajectoryPoint.from_joint_trajectory_point_msg(j, p) for p in response.solution.points] return JointTrajectory(j, p)
[docs] @classmethod def query_joint_path_collisions(cls, move_group_name, joint_path): """ Query collisions in joint path Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str convertable Name of the move group for which a path should be check for collisions joint_path : JointPath The path that should be check for collisions Returns ------- List[JointValuesCollision] or None If collisions exists returns a list of JointValuesCollisions else returns None Raises ------ TypeError If move_group_name ist not str convertable or if joint_path is not of type JointPath """ query_joint_path_collisions = ('xamlaMoveGroupServices/' 'query_joint_position_collision_check') move_group_name = str(move_group_name) if not isinstance(joint_path, JointPath): raise TypeError('joint_path is not of expected type JointPath') try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_joint_path_collisions, QueryJointStateCollisions) response = service(move_group_name, joint_path.joint_set, [p.to_joint_path_point_msg() for p in joint_path]) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service call for query joint collisions' ' failed, abort ') raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' joint collisions' ' failed, abort') from exc response.in_collision = list(response.in_collision) response.error_codes = list(response.error_codes) if (len(response.in_collision) != len(joint_path) or len(response.error_codes) != len(joint_path) or len(response.messages) != len(joint_path)): raise ServiceException('service call for query joint' ' collisions was not successful. ' 'service name:' + query_joint_path_collisions) result = [JointValuesCollisions(i, response.error_codes[i], response.messages[i]) for i in range(0, len(joint_path)) if response.in_collision[i]] return result
[docs] @classmethod def create_plan_parameters(cls, move_group_name=None, joint_set=None, max_velocity=None, max_acceleration=None, **kwargs): """ Create PlanParameters from user defined and/or quried inputs Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str (optional default query first) move group for which plan parameters should be created joint_set : JointSet (optional default query similar) joint set for which plan parameters should be created max_velocity : Iterable[float convertable] (optional default max query) Defines the maximal velocity for every joint max_acceleration : Iterable[float convertable] (op default max query) Defines the maximal acceleration for every joint kwargs : dict sample_resolution : float convertable (optional default 0.008/125Hz) sample points frequency if value is create as 1.0 the value is interpreted as a value in seconds else the value is interpreted as a value in Hz collision_check : bool convertable (optional default True) check for collision if True max_deviation : float convertable (optional default 0.2) max deviation from fly by points velocity_scaling : float convertable (optional default 1.0) scale query or user defined max velocity values between 0.0 and 1.0 acceleration_scaling : float convertable (optional default 1.0) scale query or user defined max acceleration values between 0.0 and 1.0 Returns ------- PlanParameters Instance of plan parameters with automatically queried and/or user defined values Raises ------ ServiceException If query services are not reachable or not finish successful TypeError If move group name is not of type None or str convertable If joint_set is not of type None or JointSet If an other parameter is not convertable ValueError If scaling parameters are not between 0.0 and 1.0 ArgumentError If a argument is not set and also could not be quired automatically """ if not move_group_name: groups = cls.query_available_move_groups() if groups: joint_set = joint_set if joint_set else groups[0].joint_set for g in groups: if g.joint_set.is_similar(joint_set): move_group_name = break else: raise ArgumentError('no move group name was provided and' ' also no move group could' ' automatically be quired') elif not joint_set: groups = cls.query_available_move_groups() for g in groups: if == move_group_name: joint_set = g.joint_set break if not joint_set: raise ArgumentError('no joint_set was provided and' ' also no joint_set could' ' automatically be quired') if not max_velocity or not max_acceleration: limits = cls.query_joint_limits(joint_set) if not max_velocity: max_velocity = limits.max_velocity if not max_acceleration: max_acceleration = limits.max_acceleration joint_limits = JointLimits(joint_set, max_velocity, max_acceleration, None, None) return PlanParameters(move_group_name, joint_limits, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def create_task_space_plan_parameters(cls, end_effector_name=None, max_xyz_velocity=None, max_xyz_acceleration=None, max_angular_velocity=None, max_angular_acceleration=None, **kwargs): """ Creates TakesSpacePlanParameters from user defined or queried inputs Parameters ---------- move_group_name : str (optional default query first) move group for which plan parameters should be created max_xyz_velocity : float convertable or None Defines the maximal xyz velocity [m/s] max_xyz_acceleration : float convertable Defines the maximal xyz acceleration [m/s^2] max_angular_velocity : float convertable or None Defines the maximal angular velocity [rad/s] max_angular_acceleration : float convertable or None Defines the maximal angular acceleration [rad/s^2] kwargs : dict sample_resolution : float convertable (optional default 0.008/125Hz) sample points frequency if value is create as 1.0 the value is interpreted as a value in seconds else the value is interpreted as a value in Hz collision_check : bool convertable (optional default True) check for collision if True ik_jump_threshold : float convertable (optional default 1.2) maximal inverse kinematic jump max_deviation : float convertable (optional default 0.2) max deviation from fly by points velocity_scaling : float convertable (optional default 1.0) scale query or user defined max velocity values between 0.0 and 1.0 acceleration_scaling : float convertable (optional default 1.0) scale query or user defined max acceleration values between 0.0 and 1.0 Returns ------- TaskSpacePlanParameters Instance of TaskSpacePlanParameters with automatically queried and/or user defined values Raises ------ ServiceException If query services are not reachable or not finish successful TypeError If end_effector_name is not of type None or str convertable If an other parameter is not convertable ValueError If scaling parameters are not between 0.0 and 1.0 ArgumentError If a argument is not set and also could not be quired automatically """ if not end_effector_name: groups = cls.query_available_move_groups() if groups: for g in groups: if g.end_effector_link_names: end_effector_name = g.end_effector_names[0] break if not end_effector_name: raise ArgumentError('no end effector name was provided and' ' also end effector name could' ' automatically be quired') if (not max_xyz_velocity or not max_xyz_acceleration or not max_angular_velocity or not max_angular_acceleration): limits = cls.query_endeffector_limits(end_effector_name) if not max_xyz_velocity: max_xyz_velocity = limits.max_xyz_velocity if not max_xyz_acceleration: max_xyz_acceleration = limits.max_xyz_acceleration if not max_angular_velocity: max_angular_velocity = limits.max_angular_velocity if not max_angular_acceleration: max_angular_acceleration = limits.max_angular_acceleration end_effector_limits = EndEffectorLimits(max_xyz_velocity, max_xyz_acceleration, max_angular_velocity, max_angular_acceleration) return TaskSpacePlanParameters(end_effector_name, end_effector_limits, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def plan_collision_free_joint_path(cls, path, parameters): """ Plans a collision free joint path by query it Parameters ---------- path : JointPath joint path which should be replanned to be collision free parameters : PlanParameters plan parameters which defines the limits and move group Returns ------- JointPath the replanned collision free joint path Raises ------ TypeError If path is not of type JointPath or if parameters is not of type PlanParameters ValueError If parameters joint set is not equal or sub set of the path joint set and therefore reordering was not possible ServiceException If query service is not available or finish unsuccessfully """ if not isinstance(path, JointPath): raise TypeError('path is not of expected' ' type JointPath') if not isinstance(parameters, PlanParameters): raise TypeError('parameters is not of expected' ' type PlanParameters') # reorder path in respect to plan parameter joint_set path = JointPath(parameters.joint_set, path.points) return cls.query_collision_free_joint_path(parameters.move_group_name, path)
[docs] @classmethod def plan_move_pose_linear(cls, path, seed, parameters): """ Plans trajectory with linear movements from a cartesian path Parameters ---------- path : CartesianPath cartesian path with poses the trajectory must reach seed : JointValues numerical seed to control configuration parameters : TaskSpacePlanParameters plan parameters which defines the limits, settings and end effector name Returns ------- JointTrajectory Planned joint trajectory which reach the poses defined in path under the constraints of parameters Raises ------ TypeError If path is not of type CartesianPath or if parameters is not of type TaskSpacePlanParameters or if seed is not of type JointValues ServiceException If query service is not available or finish unsuccessfully """ if not isinstance(path, CartesianPath): raise TypeError('path is not of expected type CartesianPath') if not isinstance(seed, JointValues): raise TypeError('seed is not of expected type JointValues') if not isinstance(parameters, TaskSpacePlanParameters): raise TypeError('parameters is not of expected type' ' TaskSpacePlanParameters') p = parameters return cls.query_task_space_trajectory(p.end_effector_name, path, seed, p.max_xyz_velocity, p.max_xyz_acceleration, p.max_angular_velocity, p.max_angular_acceleration, p.ik_jump_threshold, p.max_deviation, p.collision_check, p.sample_resolution)
[docs] @classmethod def plan_move_joints(cls, path, parameters): """ Plans trajectory from a joint path Parameters ---------- path : JointPath joint path with positions the trajectory must reach parameters : PlanParameters plan parameters which defines the limits, settings and move group name Returns ------- JointTrajectory Planned joint trajectory which reach the positions defined in path under the constraints of parameters Raises ------ TypeError If path is not of type JointPath or if parameters is not of type PlanParameters or ValueError If parameters joint set is not equal or sub set of the path joint set and therefore reordering was not possible ServiceException If query service is not available or finish unsuccessfully """ if not isinstance(path, JointPath): raise TypeError('path is not of expected type JointPath') if not isinstance(parameters, PlanParameters): raise TypeError('parameters is not of expected type' ' PlanParameters') path = JointPath(parameters.joint_set, path.points) max_velocity = parameters.max_velocity max_acc = parameters.max_acceleration vel_isnan = np.isnan(parameters.max_velocity) acc_isnan = np.isnan(parameters.max_acceleration) if any(vel_isnan) or any(acc_isnan): limits = cls.query_joint_limits(path.joint_set) if any(vel_isnan): max_velocity = [limits.max_velocity[i] * parameters.velocity_scaling if vel_isnan[i] else l for i, l in enumerate(parameters.max_velocity)] if any(acc_isnan): max_acc = [limits.max_acceleration[i] * parameters.acceleration_scaling if acc_isnan[i] else l for i, l in enumerate(parameters.max_acceleration)] return cls.query_joint_trajectory(path, max_velocity, max_acc, parameters.max_deviation, parameters.sample_resolution)
[docs] async def execute_joint_trajectory(self, trajectory, collision_check): """ Executes a joint trajectory Parameters ---------- trajectory : JointTrajectory Joint trajectory which should be executed collision_check : bool convertable If True check for collision while executing Raises ------ TypeError If trajectory is not of type JointTrajectory or if collision_check is not convertable to bool ServiceException If execution ends not successful """ if not isinstance(trajectory, JointTrajectory): raise TypeError('trajectory is not of expected type' ' joint trajectory') collision_check = bool(collision_check) goal = moveJGoal(trajectory=trajectory.to_joint_trajectory_msg(), check_collision=collision_check) run_action = generate_action_executor(self.__m_action) # the server itself lock resources # with LeaseBaseLock(trajectory.joint_set.names) as lock_resources: await run_action(goal)
[docs] def execute_joint_trajectory_supervised(self, trajectory: JointTrajectory, velocity_scaling: float, collision_check: bool) -> SteppedMotionClient: """ Creates a instance of SteppedMotionClient for supervised trajectory execution Parameters ---------- trajectory : JointTrajectory Joint trajectory which should be executed velocity_scaling : float scaling of velocity range 0.0 to 1.0 collision_check : bool convertable If True check for collision while executing Returns ------- result : int Result of the trajectory execution Raises ------ TypeError If trajectory is not of type JointTrajectory or if collision_check is not convertable to bool """ return SteppedMotionClient(trajectory, velocity_scaling, collision_check)
[docs] def query_inverse_kinematics(self, pose, parameters, seed=[], end_effector_link='', timeout=None, attempts=1, const_seed=False): """ Query inverse kinematic solutions one pose Parameters ---------- pose : pose Pose to transform to joint space parameters : PlanParameters Plan parameters which defines the limits, settings and move group name seed : JointValues (optional) Numerical seed to control joint configuration end_effector_link : str convertable (optinal) necessary if poses are defined for end effector link timeout : datatime.timedelta (optional) timeout attempts : int convertable (optional default 1) Attempts to find a solution or each pose const_seed : bool convertable (optional default False) use constant seed instead of consecutive seeds Returns ------- JointValues Instance of JointValues which is the joint space equivalent of the task space pose Raises ------ TypeError If pose is not of type Pose or parameters is not of type PlanParameters or seed is not empty list or type JointValues or the other parameters are not convertable to defined types ValueError If parameters joint set is not equal or sub set of the seed joint set if defined and therefore reordering was not possible ServiceException If query service is not available """ if not isinstance(pose, Pose): raise TypeError('pose is not of expected type Pose') end_effector_pose = EndEffectorPose(pose, end_effector_link) result = self.query_inverse_kinematics_many([end_effector_pose], parameters, seed, timeout, attempts, const_seed) if not result.succeeded: raise ServiceException('ik service call failed with error' ' code: {}'.format(result.error_codes[0])) return result.path[0]
[docs] def query_inverse_kinematics_many(self, poses, parameters, seed=[], timeout=None, attempts=1, const_seed=False): """ Query inverse kinematic solutions for a Iterable of Poses Parameters ---------- poses : Iterable[EndEffectorPose] Iterable with EndEffectorPoses to transform to joint space parameters : PlanParameters Plan parameters which defines the limits, settings and move group name seed : JointValues (optional) Numerical seed to control joint configuration timeout : datatime.timedelta timeout attempts : int convertable (optional default 1) attempts to find a solution for each pose const_seed : bool convertable (optional default False) use constant seed instead of consecutive seeds Returns ------- IkResult Instance of IkResult with all found solutions as a JointPath and error codes Raises ------ TypeError If poses is not of type EndEffectorPose or parameters is not of type PlanParameters or seed is not empty list or type JointValues or the other parameters are not convertable to defined types ValueError If parameters joint set is not equal or sub set of the seed joint set if defined and therefore reordering was not possible ServiceException If query service is not available """ if (not isinstance(poses, Iterable) and any(not isinstance(p, EndEffectorPose) for p in poses)): raise TypeError( 'poses is not of expected type Iterable[EndEffectorPose]') if not isinstance(parameters, PlanParameters): raise TypeError('parameters is not of expected' ' type PlanParameters') if seed: if not isinstance(seed, JointValues): raise TypeError('seed is not of expected' ' type JointValues') elif seed.joint_set == parameters.joint_set: pass elif parameters.joint_set.is_subset(seed.joint_set): pass else: raise ValueError('joint set of parameters and seed do not' ' match and reording is not possible') if timeout and not isinstance(timeout, timedelta): raise TypeError('timeout is not of expected type timedelta') else: timeout = timedelta(milliseconds=200) attempts = int(attempts) const_seed = bool(const_seed) duration = self._ros_duration_from_timedelta(timeout) poses_msgs = [] for p in poses: poses_msgs.append(p.to_end_effector_pose_msg()) req = GetIKSolution2Request() req.group_name = parameters.move_group_name req.joint_names = seed.joint_set.names req.seed = seed.to_joint_values_point_msg() req.const_seed = const_seed req.points = poses_msgs req.collision_check = parameters.collision_check req.attempts = attempts req.timeout = duration try: response = self.__ik_service(req) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service call for query inverse kinematics' ' failed, abort ') raise ServiceException('service call for query' ' inverse kinematics' ' failed, abort') from exc f = JointValues.from_joint_path_point_msg joint_path = JointPath(parameters.joint_set, [f(seed.joint_set, p).select(parameters.joint_set) for p in]) return IkResults(joint_path, response.error_codes)
@staticmethod def _ros_duration_from_timedelta(timedelta): secs = timedelta.days*24*3600+timedelta.seconds nsecs = timedelta.microseconds*1000 return rospy.Duration(secs, nsecs)
[docs] def plan_cartesian_path(self, path, parameters): """ Plan a joint trajectory from a cartesian path and plan parameters Parameters ---------- path : CartesianPath Poses the planned trajectory must reach parameters : PlanParameters Plan parameters which defines the limits, settings and move group name Returns ------- JointTrajectory A joint trajectory which reach defined poses of path under the constrains in parameters Raises ------ TypeError If path is not of type CartesianPath or parameters is not of type PlanParameters ValueError If parameters joint set is not equal or sub set of the seed joint set and therefore reordering was not possible ServiceException If query services are not available or finish unsuccessfully or inverse kinematics ends with error """ seed = self.query_joint_states(parameters.joint_set).positions poses = [EndEffectorPose(p, '') for p in path] result = self.query_inverse_kinematics_many(poses, parameters, seed) if not result.succeeded: raise ServiceException('service call for query inverse' ' kinematics was not successful') return self.plan_collision_free_joint_path(result.path, parameters)
[docs] @classmethod def emergency_stop(cls, enable=True): """ Sets and resets emergency stop Parameters ---------- enable : bool convertable (default True) If True activate emergency stop If False resets the emergency stop Returns ------- success : bool True if the service call was successful message : str Response or error message Raises ------ TypeError If enable is not convertable to bool ServiceException If query service is not available """ query_emergency_stop = ('EmergencySTOP/' 'query_emergency_stop') enable = bool(enable) try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy( query_emergency_stop, SetBool) response = service(enable) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print('service set emergency stop failed') raise ServiceException('service call for set emergency' ' stop failed, abort') from exc return response.success, response.message
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_joint_values(cls, joint_set): """ Query the current joint positions of all joints in joint_set Parameters ---------- joint_set : JointSet Defines for which joint the positions are requested Returns ------ positions : JointValues Returns a instance of JointValues with the positions of the requested joint set Raises ------ TypeError If joint_set is not of type JointSet """ print(rospy.get_name()) return cls.query_joint_states(joint_set).positions
# async def move_joints(self, target, parameters): # """ # Moves joints to target joint positions # Parameters # ---------- # target : JointValues # target joint positions # parameters : PlanParameters # Plan parameters which defines the limits, settings # and move group name # Returns # ------- # None # Raises # ------ # TypeError # If target is not of type JointValues or # if parameters is not of type PlanParameters # ServiceException # If query services are not available or finish # with a fail state # """ # if not isinstance(target, JointValues): # raise TypeError('target is not of expected type JointValues') # if not isinstance(parameters, PlanParameters): # raise TypeError('parameters is not of expected' # ' type PlanParameters') # source = self.get_current_joint_values(parameters.joint_set) # path = JointPath.from_start_stop_point(source, target) # trajectory = self.plan_move_joints(path, parameters) # await self.execute_joint_trajectory(trajectory, parameters.collision_check) # async def move_pose(self, target, end_effector_link, parameters, seed=None): # """ # Moves to target pose # Parameters # ---------- # target : Pose # target pose # end_effector_link : str convertable # specifies for which link the pose is defined # parameters : PlanParameters # Plan parameters which defines the limits, settings # and move group name # seed : JointValues or None # numerical seed to control the robot configuration # if none the current joint position is used # Raises # ------ # TypeError # If target is not of type Pose # If parameters is not of type PlanParameters # If end_effector_link is not convertable to str # If seed is not of type JointValues # ServiceException # If query services are not available or finish # with a fail state # """ # if not isinstance(target, Pose): # raise TypeError('target is not of expected type Pose') # if not seed: # seed = self.get_current_joint_values(parameters.joint_set) # joint_values = self.query_inverse_kinematics(target, parameters, # seed, # end_effector_link) # await self.move_joints(joint_values, parameters) # async def move_pose_linear(self, target, end_effector_link, parameters, seed=None): # """ # Moves to target pose linear # Parameters # ---------- # target : Pose # target pose # end_effector_link : str convertable # specifies for which link the pose is defined # parameters : TaskPlanParameters # Task space plan parameters which defines the limits, settings # and end effector name # seed : JointValues # numerical seed to control the robot configuration # Raises # ------ # TypeError # If target is not of type Pose # If parameters is not of type TaskSpacePlanParameters # If end_effector_link is not convertable to str # If seed is not of type JointValues or None # ServiceException # If query services are not available or finish # with a fail state # """ # groups = self.query_available_move_groups() # group = next(g for g in groups # if any([parameters.end_effector_name in # g.end_effector_names])) # if not group: # raise RuntimeError('no move group is available with' # ' requested end effector name: ' + # parameters.end_effector_name) # if not seed: # seed = self.get_current_joint_values(group.joint_set) # source = self.query_pose(, seed, end_effector_link) # path = CartesianPath.from_start_stop_point(source, target) # trajectory = self.plan_move_cartesian_linear(path, seed, parameters) # await self.execute_joint_trajectory(trajectory, # parameters.collision_check)
[docs] async def move_gripper(self, action_name, position, max_effort): """ Moves a gripper via the general ros interface GripperCommandAction Parameters ---------- action_name : str convertable Name of the action to control a specific gripper position : float convertable Requested position of the gripper in meter max_effort : float convertable Force which should be applied Results ------- action_response : MoveGripperResult Result of the action execution Raises ------ TypeError If inputs are not convertable to specified types ServiceException If action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns unexpected result """ action_name = str(action_name) action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_name, GripperCommandAction) g = GripperCommandGoal() g.command.position = float(position) g.command.max_effort = float(max_effort) if not action_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): raise ServiceException('connection to grippercommand action' ' server with name: ' + action_name + ' could not be established') run_action = generate_action_executor(action_client) with LeaseBaseLock([action_name]): response = await run_action(g) if not response: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected result received by' ' gripper command action: ' + action_name) return MoveGripperResult.from_gripper_command_action_result(response.result())
[docs] async def wsg_gripper_command(self, action_name, command, width, speed, max_effort, stop_on_block=True): """ Controls a WeissWsg gripper via the the specific action WsgCommandAction Parameters ---------- action_name : str convertable Name of the action to control a specific gripper command : WsgCommand Specifies which kind of action should be performed width : float convertable Requested position of the gripper in meter speed : float convetable Requested speed in m/s max_effort : float convertable Force which should be applied Results ------- action_response : MoveGripperResult Result of the action execution Raises ------ TypeError If inputs are not convertable to specified types or if command is no of type WsgCommand ServiceException If action server is not available RuntimeError If action returns unexpected result """ from wsg_50_common.msg import CommandAction, CommandGoal action_name = str(action_name) if not isinstance(command, WsgCommand): raise TypeError('command is not of expected type WsgCommand') action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_name, CommandAction) if not action_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)): raise ServiceException('connection to wsg gripper action' ' server with name: ' + action_name + ' could not be established') g = CommandGoal() g.command.command_id = command.value g.command.width = float(width) g.command.speed = float(speed) g.command.force = float(max_effort) g.command.stop_on_block = bool(stop_on_block) run_action = generate_action_executor(action_client) with LeaseBaseLock([action_name]): response = await run_action(g) if not response: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected result received by' ' wsg gripper command action: ' + action_name) return WsgResult.from_wsg_command_action_result(response.result())