Source code for xamla_motion.v2.motion_client

# Copyright (c) 2018, Xamla and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Union, Tuple

import numpy as np

from xamla_motion.data_types import (Pose,
from xamla_motion.motion_operations import (MoveCartesianArgs,
                                            MoveCartesianOperation, MoveJointsArgs,
from xamla_motion.motion_service import MotionService, SteppedMotionClient

[docs]class MoveGroup(object): """ Class with encapsulate move functionality for a specific move group """ # Methods # ------- # set_default_end_effector(end_effector_name: str) # Set one of the end effector from the list of available ones as default # get_end_effector(name: Union[None, str]) -> xamla_motion.v2.EndEffector # Get the end effector specified by name or the default end effector # get_current_joint_states() -> JointStates # Returns the current joint states of the move group joints # get_current_joint_positions() -> JointValues # Returns the current joint positions of the move group joints # move_joints(target: Union[JointValues, JointPath], velocity_scaling: Union[None, float]=None, # collision_check: Union[None, bool]=None, max_deviation: Union[None, float]=None, # acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float]=None) -> MoveJointsOperation # Create MoveJointsOperation for target joint positions # move_joints_collision_free(target: Union[JointValues, JointPath], velocity_scaling: Union[None, float]=None, # collision_check: Union[None, bool]=None, max_deviation: Union[None, float]=None, # acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float]=None) -> MoveJointsCollisionFreeOperation # Create MoveJointsCollisionFreeOperation for target joint positions def __init__(self, move_group_name: Union[None, str] = None, end_effector_name: Union[None, str] = None, motion_service=None): """ Initialize MoveGroup class The initialization process is possible with different settings: move_group_name and end_effector_name are None: In this case the first available move group and its first end effector is selected automatically. If no move group or end_effector is available exception is raised. move_group_name is defined and end_effector_name is none: In this case the initialization routine tries to find the move group with requested name. If it is available create a instance for this move group and the first available end effector as default end effector. Else an exceptions is raised. move_group is None and end_effector_name is defined: In this case the initialization routine tries to find the move group with requested end effector. If it is available create a instance for this move group and the requested end effector as default end effector. Else an exceptions is raised. move_group is defined and also end_effector_name is defined: In this case the initialization routine tries to find the requested move group with requested end effector. If it is available create a instance for this move group and the requested end effector as default end effector. Else an exceptions is raised. Parameters ---------- move_group_name : Union[None, str] If defined name of the move group which this instance should represent end_effector_name : Union[None, str] If defined name of the end_effector which should be used as default end_effector motion_service : Union[None, MotionService] An instance of MotionService which is used to communicate with the motion server if None a new instance of MotionService is created Raises ------ TypeError If motion_service is not of type MotionService or If the other inputs are not str convertable ServiceException If necessary services to query available move groups and end effectors are not available RuntimeError If requested move group or end effector not exist or are not available """ if not motion_service: motion_service = MotionService() if not isinstance(motion_service, MotionService): raise TypeError('motion_service is not of' ' expected type MotionService') self.__m_service = motion_service groups = self.__m_service.query_available_move_groups() if not groups: raise RuntimeError('no move groups available') if end_effector_name: end_effector_name = str(end_effector_name) if move_group_name: move_group_name = str(move_group_name) if not end_effector_name and not move_group_name: move_group_name = groups[0].name try: end_effector_name = groups[0].end_effector_names[0] except IndexError: end_effector_name = None details = groups[0] elif end_effector_name and not move_group_name: try: details = next(g for g in groups if any([end_effector_name in g.end_effector_names])) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError('it exist no move group with' ' end effector: ' + end_effector_name) move_group_name = elif not end_effector_name and move_group_name: try: details = next(g for g in groups if == move_group_name) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError('it exist no move group with' ' name: ' + move_group_name) try: end_effector_name = details.end_effector_names[0] except IndexError: end_effector_name = None else: try: details = next(g for g in groups if any([end_effector_name in g.end_effector_names])) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError('move group: ' + move_group_name + ' with end effector: ' + end_effector_name + ' not exists') self.__name = move_group_name self.__details = details self.__joint_set = self.__details.joint_set p = self.__m_service.create_plan_parameters(move_group_name, self.__joint_set, sample_resolution=0.05, collision_check=True) self.__plan_parameters = p names = self.__details.end_effector_names if names: link_names = self.__details.end_effector_link_names self.__end_effectors = {name: EndEffector(self, name, link_names[i]) for i, name in enumerate(names)} self.set_default_end_effector(end_effector_name) else: self.__end_effectors = {} self.__selected_end_effector = None self.__task_space_plan_parameters = None self.__velocity_scaling = 1.0 self.__acceleration_scaling = 1.0 @property def name(self): """ name : str (read only) move group name """ return self.__name @property def motion_service(self): """ motion_service : MotionService (read only) return the instance of motion service which is used to communicate via ros which the motion server """ return self.__m_service @property def end_effector_names(self): """ end_effector_names : List[str] (read only) List of end effectors the move groups contains """ return self.__details.end_effector_names @property def selected_end_effector(self): """ selected_end_effector : str (read only) Name of the currently selected end effector """ return self.__selected_end_effector @property def joint_set(self): """ joint_set : JointSet (read only) joint set of the move group """ return self.__details.joint_set @property def default_plan_parameters(self): """ plan_parameters : PlanParameters (read only) Instance of PlanParameters from which the limits and settings are used when no specific user input is given """ return self.__plan_parameters @property def default_task_space_plan_parameters(self): """ task_space_plan_parameters : TaskSpacePlanParameters (read only) Instance of TaskSpacePlanParameters from which the limits and settings are used when no specific user input is given """ return self.__task_space_plan_parameters @property def collision_check(self): """ collision_check : bool If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed """ return self.__plan_parameters.collision_check @collision_check.setter def collision_check(self, value: bool): """ Set collision check on or of Parameters ---------- value : bool activate collision check or deactivate it """ self.__plan_parameters.with_collision_check(value) if self.__task_space_plan_parameters: self.__task_space_plan_parameters.with_collision_check(value) @property def sample_resolution(self): """ sample_resolution : float Trajectory point sampling frequency If value smaller one in seconds else in Hz """ return self.__plan_parameters.sample_resolution @sample_resolution.setter def sample_resolution(self, value: float): """ Set trajectory point sampling frequency Parameters ---------- value : float convertable If value smaller one interpreted as in seconds else in Hz """ self.__plan_parameters.with_sample_resolution(value) if self.__task_space_plan_parameters: self.__task_space_plan_parameters.with_sample_resolution(value) @property def max_deviation(self): """ max_deviation : Union[None, float]Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space """ return self.__plan_parameters.max_deviation @max_deviation.setter def max_deviation(self, value: float): """ Set maximal devitation Parameters ---------- value : float convertable maximal deviation """ self.__plan_parameters.with_max_deviation(value) if self.__task_space_plan_parameters: self.__task_space_plan_parameters.with_max_deviation(value) @property def ik_jump_threshold(self): """ ik_jump_threshold : float maximal allowed inverse kinematics jump threshold """ if self.__task_space_plan_parameters: return self.__task_space_plan_parameters.ik_jump_threshold else: raise RuntimeError('task space plan parameters not defined' ' because move group has no end effector') @ik_jump_threshold.setter def ik_jump_threshold(self, value: float): """ Set maximal allowed inverse kinematics jump threshold Parameters ---------- value : float convertable new maximal allowed inverse kinematics jump threshold """ if not self.__task_space_plan_parameters: raise RuntimeError('task space plan parameters not defined' ' because move group has no end effector') self.__task_space_plan_parameters.with_ik_jump_threshold(value) @property def velocity_scaling(self): """ Default velocity scaling which is applied if no custom value is provided """ return self.__velocity_scaling @velocity_scaling.setter def velocity_scaling(self, value: float): """ Set default velocity scaling which is applied if no custom value is provided Parameters ---------- value: float convertable new default velocity scaling value """ if value > 1.0 or value < 0.0: raise ValueError('value is not' ' between 0.0 and 1.0') self.__velocity_scaling = value @property def acceleration_scaling(self): """ Default acceleration scaling which is applied if no custom value is provided """ return self.__acceleration_scaling @acceleration_scaling.setter def acceleration_scaling(self, value: float): """ Set default acceleration scaling which is applied if no custom value is provided Parameters ---------- value: float convertable new default acceleration scaling value """ if value > 1.0 or value < 0.0: raise ValueError('value is not' ' between 0.0 and 1.0') self.__acceleration_scaling = value
[docs] def set_default_end_effector(self, end_effector_name: str): """ Set one of the end effector from the list of available ones as default Parameters ---------- end_effector_name : str convertable Name of the end effector which should be now the default end effector of this move group Raises ------ TypeError If end_effector_name is not str convertable RuntimeError If the input end effector name is not available """ end_effector_name = str(end_effector_name) try: self.__end_effectors[end_effector_name] except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError('move group' + self.__name + ' has no end effector with name: ' + end_effector_name) from exc self.__selected_end_effector = end_effector_name p = self.__m_service.create_task_space_plan_parameters( end_effector_name, sample_resolution=0.05, collision_check=False) self.__task_space_plan_parameters = p
[docs] def get_end_effector(self, name: Union[None, str] = None) -> 'xamla_motion.v2.EndEffector': """ Get the end effector specified by name or the default end effector if name is not provided Parameters --------- name : Union[None, str] Name of the end effector which should be returned Returns ------- end_effector : xamla_motion.v2.EndEffector Instance of Class EndEffector with requested name Raises ------ RuntimeError If no end effector exist with the requested name """ if name: try: return self.__end_effectors[name] except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError('end effector with name' + name + 'is not available for move group: ' + self.__name) from exc else: try: return self.__end_effectors[self.__selected_end_effector] except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError('move group: ' + self.__name + ' does not have any end effectors') from exc
[docs] def get_current_joint_states(self) -> JointStates: """ Returns the current joint states of the move group joints Returns ------- joint_states : JointStates current joint states of the move group joints Raises ------ ServiceException If Service is not available or finish not successful """ return self.__m_service.query_joint_states(self.joint_set)
[docs] def get_current_joint_positions(self) -> JointValues: """ Returns the current joint positions of the move group joints Returns ------- joint_positions : JointValues current joint position of the move group joints Raises ------ ServiceException If Service is not available or finish not successful """ return self.get_current_joint_states().positions
def _build_plan_parameters(self, velocity_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, collision_check: Union[None, bool] = None, max_deviation: Union[None, float] = None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, sample_resolution: Union[None, float] = None ) -> PlanParameters: """ Build an instance of PlanParameters from input and default values All attributes with value None are ignored and instead the default values are used defined in default_plan_parameters are used Parameters ---------- velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint velocities collision_check : Union[None, bool] If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed max_deviation : Union[None, float] Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint accelerations sample_resolution : Union[None, float] target sample frequency in Hz Returns ------- PlanParameters New instance of PlanParameters with requested changes from the default instance Raises ------ TypeError If inpute values are not convertable to specified types ValueError If scaling inputs are not between 0.0 and 1.0 """ builder = self.__plan_parameters.to_builder() if velocity_scaling: builder.scale_velocity(velocity_scaling) if collision_check: builder.collision_check = collision_check if max_deviation: builder.max_deviation = max_deviation if acceleration_scaling: builder.scale_acceleration(acceleration_scaling) if sample_resolution: builder.sample_resolution = sample_resolution return def _build_task_space_plan_parameters(self, velocity_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, collision_check: Union[None, bool] = None, max_deviation: Union[None, float] = None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, sample_resolution: Union[None, float] = None, ik_jump_threshold: Union[None, float] = None, end_effector_name: Union[None, str] = None ) -> TaskSpacePlanParameters: """ Build an instance of TaskSpacePlanParameters from input and default values All attributes with value None are ignored and instead the default values are used defined in default_task_space_plan_parameters are used Parameters ---------- velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint velocities collision_check : Union[None, bool] If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed max_deviation : Union[None, float] Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint accelerations sample_resolution : Union[None, float] target sample frequency in Hz ik_jump_threshold : Union[None, float] Maximal joint value jump between two consecutively following trajectory points end_effector_name : Union[None, str] Name of end effector which should be used Returns ------- TaskSpacePlanParameters New instance of TaskSpacePlanParameters with requested changes from the default instance Raises ------ TypeError If input values are not convertable to specified types ValueError If scaling inputs are not between 0.0 and 1.0 """ end_effector_name = str(end_effector_name) if (end_effector_name is not None and end_effector_name != self.__selected_end_effector): try: self.__end_effectors[end_effector_name] except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError('move group' + self.__name + ' has no end effector with name: ' + end_effector_name) from exc p = self.__m_service.create_task_space_plan_parameters( end_effector_name) else: p = self.__task_space_plan_parameters builder = p.to_builder() if velocity_scaling: builder.scale_velocity(velocity_scaling) if collision_check: builder.collision_check = collision_check if max_deviation: builder.max_deviation = max_deviation if acceleration_scaling: builder.scale_acceleration(acceleration_scaling) if sample_resolution: builder.sample_resolution = sample_resolution if ik_jump_threshold: builder.ik_jump_threshold = ik_jump_threshold return
[docs] def move_joints(self, target: Union[JointValues, JointPath], velocity_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, collision_check: Union[None, bool] = None, max_deviation: Union[None, float] = None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float] = None ) -> MoveJointsOperation: """ Create MoveJointsOperation for target joint positions Parameters ---------- target : Union[JointValues, JointPath] Target joint positions or target JointPath velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint velocities If None the MoveGroup default is used collision_check : Union[None, bool] (default None) If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed If None the MoveGroup default is used max_deviation : Union[None, float] (default None) Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space If None the MoveGroup default is used acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint accelerations If None the MoveGroup default is used Returns ------- move_joint_operations : MoveJointsOperation Instance of MoveJointsOperation Raises ------ TypeError If target is not one of types JointValues, JointPath If all other inputs are not convertable to specified types """ if not isinstance(target, (JointValues, JointPath)): raise TypeError('target is not one of expected types' ' JointValues, JointPath') args = MoveJointsArgs() args.move_group = self = target args.velocity_scaling = float(velocity_scaling or self.__velocity_scaling) args.acceleration_scaling = float(acceleration_scaling or self.__acceleration_scaling) args.collision_check = bool(collision_check or self.__plan_parameters.collision_check) args.max_deviation = float(max_deviation or self.__plan_parameters.max_deviation) args.sample_resolution = self.__plan_parameters.sample_resolution return MoveJointsOperation(args)
[docs] def move_joints_collision_free(self, target: Union[JointValues, JointPath], velocity_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, collision_check: Union[None, bool] = None, max_deviation: Union[None, float] = None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float] = None): """ Create MoveJointsCollisionFreeOperation for target joint positions Parameters ---------- target : Union[JointValues, JointPath] Target joint positions or target JointPath velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint velocities If None the MoveGroup default is used collision_check : Union[None, bool] (default None) If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed If None the MoveGroup default is used max_deviation : Union[None, float] (default None) Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space If None the MoveGroup default is used acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint accelerations If None the MoveGroup default is used Returns ------- MoveJointsCollisionFreeOperation Instance of MoveJointsCollisionFreeOperation Raises ------ TypeError If target is not one of types JointValues, JointPath If all other inputs are not convertable to specified types """ if not isinstance(target, (JointValues, JointPath)): raise TypeError('target is not one of expected types' ' JointValues, JointPath') args = MoveJointsArgs() args.move_group = self = target args.velocity_scaling = float(velocity_scaling or self.__velocity_scaling) args.acceleration_scaling = float(acceleration_scaling or self.__acceleration_scaling) args.collision_check = bool(collision_check or self.__plan_parameters.collision_check) args.max_deviation = float(max_deviation or self.__plan_parameters.max_deviation) args.sample_resolution = self.__plan_parameters.sample_resolution return MoveJointsCollisionFreeOperation(args)
def __str__(self): return 'MoveGroup: {})'.format(self.__name)
[docs]class EndEffector(object): """ Class with encapsulate move functionality for a specific end effector """ # Methods # ------- # from_end_effector_name(end_effector_name: str) -> EndEffector # Creates an instance of MoveGroup and select the correct instance of EndEffector # get_current_pose() -> Pose # Returns the current pose of the end effector # compute_pose(joint_values: JointValues) -> Pose # compute pose from joint values / configuration # inverse_kinematics( # poses: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], collision_check: Union[None, bool], seed: Union[None, JointValues], # timeout: Union[None, datatime.timedelta], const_seed: bool, attempts: int # ) -> JointValues: # inverse kinematic solutions for one pose # inverse_kinematics_many( # poses: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], collision_check: Union[None, bool], seed: Union[None, JointValues], # timeout: Union[None, datatime.timedelta], const_seed: bool, attempts: int # ) -> IkResults: # inverse kinematic solutions for many poses # move_cartesian( # target: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], seed: Union[None, JointValues]=None, # velocity_scaling: Union[None, float]=None, collision_check: Union[None, bool]=None, # max_deviation: Union[None, float]=None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float]=None # ) -> MoveCartesianOperation # Create MoveCartesianOperation for target joint positions # move_cartesian_collision_free( # target: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], seed=Union[None, JointValues], velocity_scaling: Union[None, float]=None, # max_deviation: Union[None, float]=None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float]=None # ) -> MoveCartesianCollisionFreeOperation # Create MoveCartesianCollisionFreeOperation for target joint positions # move_poses_linear( # target: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], velocity_scaling: Union[None, float]=None, # collision_check: Union[None, bool]=None, max_deviation: Union[None, float]=None, # acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float]=None # ) -> MoveCartesianLinearOperation # Create MoveCartesianLinearOperation for target joint positions def __init__(self, move_group: MoveGroup, end_effector_name: str, end_effector_link_name: str): """ Initialize EndEffector class Parameters ---------- move_group : xamla_motion.v2.MoveGroup Instance of move group where the endeffector belongs to end_effector_name : str_convertable If defined name of the end_effector which should for which a instance of EndEffector is created and which is selected as default for the move group end_effector_link_name : str convertable name of the end effector link Raises ------ TypeError If move_group is not of type MoveGroup or If the other inputs are not str convertable ServiceException If necessary services to query available move groups and end effectors are not available RuntimeError If requested move group or end effector not exist or are not available """ if not isinstance(move_group, MoveGroup): raise TypeError('move_group is not of expected' ' type MoveGroup') self.__name = str(end_effector_name) self.__move_group = move_group self.__link_name = str(end_effector_link_name) self.__m_service = move_group.motion_service
[docs] @staticmethod def from_end_effector_name(end_effector_name: str) -> 'xamla_motion.v2.EndEffector': """ Creates an instance of MoveGroup and select the correct instance of EndEffector Parameters ---------- end_effector_name : str convertable Name of the end_effector for which a instance of EndEffector should be created Returns ------- xamla_motion.v2.EndEffector Instance of EndEffector for end effector with the name specified by end_effector name (instance is also hold by the created move_group) Raises ------ TypeError If end_effector_name ist not convertable to str RuntimeError If it is not possible to create an instance of EndEffector because the end effector specified by end_effector_name is not available """ end_effector_name = str(end_effector_name) try: move_group = MoveGroup(None, end_effector_name) except RuntimeError as exc: raise RuntimeError('end effector with name: ' + end_effector_name + ' is not available') from exc return move_group.get_end_effector()
@property def name(self): """ name : str (read only) end effector name """ return self.__name @property def move_group(self): """ move_group : xamla_motion.v2.MoveGroup Instance of MoveGroup which manages the move group where the end effector belongs to """ return self.__move_group @property def motion_service(self): """ motion_service : MotionService Instance of MotionService which the move group and all end effectors use to communicate with the motion server """ return self.__m_service @property def link_name(self): """ link_name : str end effector link name """ return self.__link_name
[docs] def get_current_pose(self) -> Pose: """ Returns the current pose of the end effector Returns ------- pose : Pose An instance of Pose which represents the current end effector pose Raises ------ ServiceException If query services from motion server are not available or finish unsuccessfully """ positions = self.__move_group.get_current_joint_positions() p = self.__m_service.query_pose(, positions, self.__link_name) return p
def _build_task_space_plan_parameters(self, velocity_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, collision_check: Union[None, bool] = None, max_deviation: Union[None, float] = None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, sample_resolution: Union[None, float] = None, ik_jump_threshold: Union[None, float] = None ) -> TaskSpacePlanParameters: """ Build an instance of TaskSpacePlanParameters from input and default values All attributes with value None are ignored and instead the default values are used defined in default_task_space_plan_parameters are used Parameters ---------- velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint velocities collision_check : Union[None, bool] If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed max_deviation : Union[None, float] Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint accelerations sample_resolution : Union[None, float] target sample frequency in Hz ik_jump_threshold : Union[None, float] Maximal joint value jump between two consecutively following trajectory points Returns ------- task_space_plan_parameters: TaskSpacePlanParameters New instance of TaskSpacePlanParameters with requested changes from the default instance Raises ------ TypeError If input values are not convertable to specified types ValueError If scaling inputs are not between 0.0 and 1.0 """ return self.__move_group._build_task_space_plan_parameters( velocity_scaling=velocity_scaling, collision_check=collision_check, max_deviation=max_deviation, acceleration_scaling=acceleration_scaling, sample_resolution=sample_resolution, ik_jump_threshold=ik_jump_threshold, end_effector_name=self.__name)
[docs] def compute_pose(self, joint_values: JointValues) -> Pose: """ compute pose from joint values / configuration Parameters ---------- joint_values : JointValues Joint configuration of the robot which should be transformed to a cartesian pose Returns ------- pose : Pose An instance of Pose which represents the joint configuration of joint_values as a pose in cartesian space Raises ------ ServiceException If query services from motion server are not available or finish unsuccessfully TypeError If joint_values is not of expected type JointValues """ pose = self.__m_service.query_pose(, joint_values, self.__link_name) return pose
[docs] def inverse_kinematics(self, pose: Pose, collision_check: bool, seed: JointValues = None, timeout: timedelta = None, const_seed: bool = False, attempts: int = 1) -> JointValues: """ inverse kinematic solutions for one pose Parameters ---------- poses : Union[Pose, CartesianPath] Poses to transform to joint space collision_check : Union[None, bool] If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed seed : Union[None, JointValues] (optional) Numerical seed to control joint configuration timeout : Union[None, datatime.timedelta] (optional) timeout const_seed : bool (optional default False) Determines if for each pose in poses the same seed should be used attempts : int (optional default 1) number of attempts to find solution Returns ------- JointValues Instance of JointValues with a found solution Raises ------ TypeError If poses is not of correct type ServiceException If query service is not available """ if not isinstance(pose, Pose): raise TypeError('target is not one of expected ' 'types Pose') if not seed: seed = self.__move_group.get_current_joint_positions() parameters = self.__move_group._build_plan_parameters(1.0, collision_check) joint_values = self.__m_service.query_inverse_kinematics(pose, parameters, seed, self.__link_name, timeout) return joint_values
[docs] def inverse_kinematics_many(self, poses: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], collision_check: Union[None, bool], seed: Union[None, JointValues] = None, timeout: Union[None, timedelta] = None, const_seed: bool = False, attempts: int = 1) -> IkResults: """ inverse kinematic solutions for many poses Parameters ---------- poses : Union[Pose, CartesianPath] Poses to transform to joint space collision_check : Union[None, bool] If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed seed : Union[None, JointValues] (optional) Numerical seed to control joint configuration timeout : Union[None, datatime.timedelta] (optional) timeout const_seed : bool (optional default False) Determines if for each pose in poses the same seed should be used attempts : int (optional default 1) number of attempts to find solution Returns ------- IkResult Instance of IkResult with all found solutions as a JointPath and error codes Raises ------ TypeError If poses is not of correct type ServiceException If query service is not available """ if isinstance(poses, Pose): poses = [EndEffectorPose(poses, self.__link_name)] elif isinstance(poses, CartesianPath): poses = [EndEffectorPose(p, self.__link_name) for p in poses] else: raise TypeError('target is not one of expected ' 'types Union[Pose, CartesianPath]') if not seed: seed = self.__move_group.get_current_joint_positions() parameters = self.__move_group._build_plan_parameters(1.0, collision_check) ik = self.__m_service.query_inverse_kinematics_many(poses, parameters, seed, timeout) if not ik.succeeded: print('computation of inverse kinematic fails' ' for one or more request in batch: ' + str(ik)) return ik
[docs] def move_cartesian(self, target: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], seed: Union[None, JointValues] = None, velocity_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, collision_check: Union[None, bool] = None, max_deviation: Union[None, float] = None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float] = None) -> MoveCartesianOperation: """ Create MoveCartesianOperation for target joint positions Parameters ---------- target : Union[Pose, CartesianPath] Target Pose or target CartesianPath seed : Union[None, JointValues] (default None) Numerical seed to control joint configuration velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint and task velocities If None the MoveGroup default is used collision_check : Union[None, bool] (default None) If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed If None the MoveGroup default is used max_deviation : Union[None, float] (default None) Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space If None the MoveGroup default is used acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint and task accelerations If None the MoveGroup default is used Returns ------- move_joint_operations : MoveCartesianOperation Instance of MoveCartesianOperation Raises ------ TypeError If target is not one of types Pose, CartesianPath If all other inputs are not convertable to specified types """ if not isinstance(target, (Pose, CartesianPath)): raise TypeError('target is not one of expected types' ' Pose, CartesianPath') if not isinstance(seed, (type(None), JointValues)): raise TypeError('seed is not of expected type JointValues') args = MoveCartesianArgs() args.end_effector = self args.move_group = self.__move_group args.seed = seed = target args.velocity_scaling = float(velocity_scaling or self.__move_group.velocity_scaling) args.acceleration_scaling = float(acceleration_scaling or self.__move_group.acceleration_scaling) args.collision_check = bool(collision_check or self.__move_group.collision_check) args.max_deviation = float(max_deviation or self.__move_group.max_deviation) args.sample_resolution = self.__move_group.sample_resolution args.ik_jump_threshold = self.__move_group.ik_jump_threshold return MoveCartesianOperation(args)
[docs] def move_cartesian_collision_free(self, target: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], seed: Union[None, JointValues] = None, velocity_scaling: Union[None, float] = None, collision_check: Union[None, bool] = None, max_deviation: Union[None, float] = None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float] = None ) -> MoveCartesianCollisionFreeOperation: """ Create MoveCartesianCollisionFreeOperation for target joint positions Parameters ---------- target : Union[Pose, CartesianPath] Target Pose or target CartesianPath seed : Union[None, JointValues] (default None) Numerical seed to control joint configuration velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint and task velocities If None the MoveGroup default is used collision_check : Union[None, bool] (default None) If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed If None the MoveGroup default is used max_deviation : Union[None, float] (default None) Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space If None the MoveGroup default is used acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint and task accelerations If None the MoveGroup default is used Returns ------- move_joint_operations : MoveCartesianCollisionFreeOperation Instance of MoveCartesianCollisionFreeOperation Raises ------ TypeError If target is not one of types Pose, CartesianPath If all other inputs are not convertable to specified types """ if not isinstance(target, (Pose, CartesianPath)): raise TypeError('target is not one of expected types' ' Pose, CartesianPath') if not isinstance(seed, (type(None), JointValues)): raise TypeError('seed is not of expected type JointValues') args = MoveCartesianArgs() args.end_effector = self args.move_group = self.__move_group args.seed = seed = target args.velocity_scaling = float(velocity_scaling or self.__move_group.velocity_scaling) args.acceleration_scaling = float(acceleration_scaling or self.__move_group.acceleration_scaling) args.collision_check = bool(collision_check or self.__move_group.collision_check) args.max_deviation = float(max_deviation or self.__move_group.max_deviation) args.sample_resolution = self.__move_group.sample_resolution args.ik_jump_threshold = self.__move_group.ik_jump_threshold return MoveCartesianCollisionFreeOperation(args)
[docs] def move_cartesian_linear(self, target: Union[Pose, CartesianPath], seed: Union[None, JointValues]=None, velocity_scaling: Union[None, float]=None, collision_check: Union[None, bool]=None, max_deviation: Union[None, float]=None, acceleration_scaling: Union[None, float]=None): """ Create MoveCartesianLinearOperation for target joint positions Parameters ---------- target : Union[Pose, CartesianPath] Target Pose or target CartesianPath seed : Union[None, JointValues] (default None) Numerical seed to control joint configuration velocity_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint and task velocities If None the MoveGroup default is used collision_check : Union[None, bool] (default None) If true the trajectory planing try to plan a collision free trajectory and before executing a trajectory a collision check is performed If None the MoveGroup default is used max_deviation : Union[None, float] (default None) Defines the maximal deviation from trajectory points when it is a fly-by-point in joint space If None the MoveGroup default is used acceleration_scaling : Union[None, float] (default None) Scaling factor which is applied on the maximal possible joint and task accelerations If None the MoveGroup default is used Returns ------- move_joint_operations : MoveCartesianLinearOperation Instance of MoveCartesianLinearOperation Raises ------ TypeError If target is not one of types Pose, CartesianPath If all other inputs are not convertable to specified types """ if not isinstance(target, (Pose, CartesianPath)): raise TypeError('target is not one of expected types' ' Pose, CartesianPath') if not isinstance(seed, (type(None), JointValues)): raise TypeError('seed is not of expected type JointValues') args = MoveCartesianArgs() args.end_effector = self args.move_group = self.__move_group args.seed = seed = target args.velocity_scaling = float(velocity_scaling or self.__move_group.velocity_scaling) args.acceleration_scaling = float(acceleration_scaling or self.__move_group.acceleration_scaling) args.collision_check = bool(collision_check or self.__move_group.collision_check) args.max_deviation = float(max_deviation or self.__move_group.max_deviation) return MoveCartesianLinearOperation(args)
def __str__(self): return 'Endeffector {}, (Link: {}, MoveGroup: {})'.format(self.__name, self.__link_name,