Class PlanningSceneInterface

LUA wrapper for moveit PlanningSceneInterface environment dependency to tourch.ros


PlanningSceneInterface:addBox (id, w, h, t, pose) Add a solit box as a collision object into the planning scene.
PlanningSceneInterface:addSphere (id, radius, pose) Add a solit sphere as a collision object into the planning scene.
PlanningSceneInterface:addPlane (id, a, b, c, d, pose) Add a solit plane as a collision object into the planning scene.
PlanningSceneInterface:addCollisionObject (collision_object) Add a collision object.
PlanningSceneInterface:removeCollisionObjects (object_ids) function addCollisionObject Remove a collision object
PlanningSceneInterface:getKnownObjectNames ([with_type]) Get the names of all known objects in the world.
PlanningSceneInterface:getKnownObjectNamesInROI (minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz[, with_type=false[, types]]) Get the names of known objects in the world that are located within a bounding region (specified in the frame reported by getPlanningFrame()).
PlanningSceneInterface:getObjectPoses ([object_ids]) Get poses of objects specified in object_ids


PlanningSceneInterface:addBox (id, w, h, t, pose)
Add a solit box as a collision object into the planning scene.


  • id string
  • w number
  • h number
  • t number
  • pose tf.Transform
PlanningSceneInterface:addSphere (id, radius, pose)
Add a solit sphere as a collision object into the planning scene.


  • id string
  • radius number
  • pose tf.Transform
PlanningSceneInterface:addPlane (id, a, b, c, d, pose)
Add a solit plane as a collision object into the planning scene. ax + by + cz + d = 0


  • id string
  • a number
  • b number
  • c number
  • d number
  • pose tf.Transform
PlanningSceneInterface:addCollisionObject (collision_object)
Add a collision object.


  • collision_object moveit.CollisionObject
PlanningSceneInterface:removeCollisionObjects (object_ids)
function addCollisionObject Remove a collision object


  • object_ids table as strings
PlanningSceneInterface:getKnownObjectNames ([with_type])
Get the names of all known objects in the world.
If with_type is set to true, only return objects that have a known type.


  • with_type bool (optional)


PlanningSceneInterface:getKnownObjectNamesInROI (minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz[, with_type=false[, types]])
Get the names of known objects in the world that are located within a bounding region (specified in the frame reported by getPlanningFrame()). If with_type is set to true, only return objects that have a known type.


  • minx number
  • miny number
  • minz number
  • maxx number
  • maxy number
  • maxz number
  • with_type bool (default false)
  • types std.StringVector or list (optional)


PlanningSceneInterface:getObjectPoses ([object_ids])
Get poses of objects specified in object_ids


  • object_ids std.StringVector or list (optional)


  1. bool
  2. torch.DoubleTensor
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2016-06-18 11:16:10