Class RobotState

LUA wrapper for moveit robot state environment dependency to tourch.ros


RobotState:getVariableCount () function getVariableNames Get the number of variables that make up this state.
RobotState:getVariableNames ([names]) Get the names of the variables that make up this state, in the order they are stored in memory.
RobotState:getVariablePositions () Get a raw pointer to the positions of the variables stored in this state.
RobotState:hasVelocities () By default, if velocities are never set or initialized, the state remembers that there are no velocities set.
RobotState:getVariableVelocities () Get const access to the velocities of the variables that make up this state.
RobotState:hasAccelerations () Check if accelerations are provided.
RobotState:getVariableAccelerations () Get raw access to the accelerations of the variables that make up this state.
RobotState:hasEffort () Check if efforts are provided.
RobotState:getVariableEffort () Get raw access to the effort of the variables that make up this state.
RobotState:setToDefaultValues () Set all joints to their default positions.
RobotState:setToRandomPositions () Set all joints to random values.
RobotState:setFromIK (group_id, pose[, attempts=10[, timeout=0.1]]) If the group this state corresponds to is a chain and a solver is available, then the joint values can be set by computing inverse kinematics.


RobotState:getVariableCount ()
function getVariableNames Get the number of variables that make up this state.


RobotState:getVariableNames ([names])
Get the names of the variables that make up this state, in the order they are stored in memory.


  • names moveit.Strings (optional)


RobotState:getVariablePositions ()
Get a raw pointer to the positions of the variables stored in this state. Use carefully. If you change these values externally you need to make sure you trigger a forced update for the state by calling update(true).


RobotState:hasVelocities ()
By default, if velocities are never set or initialized, the state remembers that there are no velocities set. This is useful to know when serializing or copying the state.


RobotState:getVariableVelocities ()
Get const access to the velocities of the variables that make up this state.
The values are in the same order as reported by getVariableNames.



See also:

RobotState:hasAccelerations ()
Check if accelerations are provided. By default, if accelerations are never set or initialized, the state remembers that there are no accelerations set. This is useful to know when serializing or copying the state. If @see hasAccelerations() reports true, @see hasEffort() will certainly report false.


RobotState:getVariableAccelerations ()
Get raw access to the accelerations of the variables that make up this state. The values are in the same order as reported by getVariableNames(). The area of memory overlaps with effort (effort and acceleration should not be set at the same time)



See also:

RobotState:hasEffort ()
Check if efforts are provided. By default, if effort is never set or initialized, the state remembers that there is no effort set. This is useful to know when serializing or copying the state. If @see hasEffort() reports true, @see hasAccelerations() will certainly report false.


RobotState:getVariableEffort ()
Get raw access to the effort of the variables that make up this state. The values are in the same order as reported by getVariableNames().



See also:

RobotState:setToDefaultValues ()
Set all joints to their default positions.
The default position is 0, or if that is not within bounds then half way between min and max bound.
RobotState:setToRandomPositions ()
Set all joints to random values. Values will be within default bounds.
RobotState:setFromIK (group_id, pose[, attempts=10[, timeout=0.1]])
If the group this state corresponds to is a chain and a solver is available, then the joint values can be set by computing inverse kinematics. The pose is assumed to be in the reference frame of the kinematic model. Returns true on success.


  • group_id string
  • pose tf.Transform
  • attempts int (default 10)
  • timeout number (default 0.1)


generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2016-06-18 11:16:10